While this is by no means a 100 percent confirmation for the Blue Bomber, it's looking pretty legit as IMDb apparently "lists things as rumored when they haven't been been substantiated," according to Event Hubs.
On the flip side, IMDb isn't perfect -- the site does post inaccurate information on occasion, although a majority of the info on the database is usually correct. If the listing is indeed legitimate, this means a Mega Man incarnation will be a playable character -- an incarnation that requires a somewhat young voice... classic MM, perhaps? A likely choice.
Take this bit with a grain of salt for now; nothing's official until Capcom says so, as usual.
Credit: Event Hubs (Thanks, Amir)
I get the feeling that somebody's gonna be hatin' on the kid without even hearing how he would sound.
ReplyDeleteJust a hunch.
Also, let's just HOOOOPE that we get MM in the game.
Why not use his VA for Powered Up, though? Also, was there a reason for Lucas not doing Zero?
ReplyDeleteIt could mean anything. With the exception of Mega Man X all Mega Men can be voiced by kids. From Classic Mega Man to even Star Force Mega Man.
ReplyDeleteOf course given this game might only use popular and well-known characters, Classic Mega Man sounds like the way to go.
That kid played Greg in Diary of a Wimpy Kid! I am really ecstatic. The kid who acted as my favorite story book character might be voice acting as my favorite videogame character? Woah... Just-just woah.
ReplyDeleteI'm fine with having Megaman sound like a regular kid and not like...well, whatever Megaman 8 was.
ReplyDeleteActually, he didn't sound too great in MvsC2 either.
I'm actually glad they're using a kid. It's only a natural a boy should voice a boy and not a woman/man trying to sound like a boy.
ReplyDeleteVoiced by a kid? Looks like EXE! Or was Megaman already announced?
ReplyDeleteAs long as he doesn't mispronounce "Bass."
ReplyDeleteHaven't heard this kid's voice, but these comments are encouraging.
ReplyDeleteNothing more irritating than having "mega" man sound like "pipsqueak lady" man.
Maybe because Lucas is busy with the live-action Zero-Sigma battle that he wasn't able to voice Zero.
ReplyDeleteThanks for including the warning about IMDB. It should not be taken literally, which is what Shoryuken.com did, for example.
ReplyDeleteAt one point they listed rapper 50 cent as the voice of Epona in Twilight Princess...
Anonymouses and JDAManson criticizing MM's voice:
ReplyDeleteMM has a japanese voice actress, which is extremely common in Japan for young boy characters. And it generally works. Did you hate the voice of Volnutt in Tatsunoko vs Capcom? Because that was a woman, who also does Luffy from the anime OnePiece. Other characters voiced by women are Kenshin from Samurai X, and even in the US you have iconic characters like Bart Simpson and Timmy from Fairly Odd Parents.
And MvC2 used the same actress as MM8. If he's in MvC3, the japanese voice is likely to be the same actress again. And that'll be just fine >:o
Looking at things logically and judging by previous games.
ReplyDeleteThe only Megamans left would be either Classic or EXE. Both have games where they've had kid-like voices (Megaman 8 for Classic, and Onimusha Buraiden/Blade Warriors for EXE).
While the rest have had somewhat more older voices for their dubbing, even Star Force Megaman for SF3. (Though he sounded like shit. He sounded like a guy who was still living with his parents, waiting for them to leave the house so he could record his voices, but did them fast because he had to go pee)
Nonetheless, I'm probably gonna end up putting "the Megaman's" voice in Japanese. You can set Capcom characters' voices individually, much like in Street Fighter 4.
I don't generally have a problem with women voice acting for boys; I know that it's common. However, I just didn't think it was particularly great in MvsC2. Obviously Nancy Cartwright does a great job, same with June Foray, etc.
ReplyDeleteImdb once listed that 50 cents was VA for Epona in Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
ReplyDeleteI'm not jumping the gun yet.
It depends on the actress. The lady who did EXE in the Japanese anime was fantastic. The one who did Volnutt in Legends 2... not so much.
ReplyDeleteWhat I don't get is that it's usually one of two extremes:
ReplyDeleteA) Mamby pamby voice/painfully female voice
B) Surfer dude.
Give us some middle ground.
@ Anon #4: Yes, let's hope. *waves MM.EXE flag around* LET'S GO~!
ReplyDelete@ Amir: The voice for Geo wasn't that bad. Sure, he may have sounded a bit too mature for his age, but darnit, the VA did a good job.
ReplyDeleteThe English release MegaMan X4 had a woman voice X.
Of course the odds of X appearing in this game are now pretty much nill since X-series Zero is going to be in it. But still.
I would love to see MegaMan.exe in this game, but how would they fit him into the "story" of the game? My money's either on Classic or Volnutt (again).
"MM has a japanese voice actress, which is extremely common in Japan for young boy characters. And it generally works."
ReplyDeleteThis isn't something you see only in Japan. It's in a lot of media when you want a voice of a young boy but don't want a boy. You get the woman instead.
The big deal here is that it's going to be an actual kid doing the acting this time rather than some no name voice actress who will do an awful job at it like the Mega Man 8 and X4 fiasco. If it was a woman voice actor who can actually act, I'm sure no one would have a problem with it, but hell if you can get a kid that's even better.
OH GOD, Please be true! MVC3 needs at least 1 "real" Rockman!
ReplyDeleteYES! Fuck Zero. Even though it should have been X, as long as some form of Mega Man is in MvC 3, I'm happy. :)
ReplyDelete"Also, was there a reason for Lucas not doing Zero?"
ReplyDeleteYes, because they hired better voice actors for this game so Johnny Yong Bosh took his role. I don't wanna hear any complaints, he sounds fantastic in the trailer, he's a great voice actor, and this is a step up.
"Maybe because Lucas is busy with the live-action Zero-Sigma battle that he wasn't able to voice Zero."
ReplyDeleteUgh don't remind me. I almost forgot about that. There's no way that's not going to at least be somewhat stupid.
DON'T TRUST IMD!! That site is full of fake and S**T!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, hating on Lucas, Anon #12/13?
ReplyDeleteIMHO, Lucas is one of the BEST THINGS that has happened to the X series, aside Mark Gatha voicing X and giving him a PROPER voice for the first time ever (X4-X7 DO NOT WORK).
Also, keep in mind, the same VAs we got in the US version of MM8 did X4. Zero was Duo, X was Mega Man, Colonel was Sword Man! c'mon people! I know I can't be the only one who recognized the voices being the same!
Yes, I agree, a woman voicing Mega Man works; it did in MM8. However, it *so* did not work for X, and it wasn't until Ocean got involved that X hit puberty.
....ok.. He hit puberty in X7 but he had one hell of a sinus infection.
Either way.. Lucas and Mark kicked ass in both roles and deserve some damned respect. I really hate 'purists' hating on Western VAs because they don't speak Japanese. I personally would like to UNDERSTAND what the hell characters are saying!!!!! Mark is too busy saving lives and being a doctor to even fend off some of these comments and Lucas has obviously EMBRACED his role and the MM community as a whole; we need more people that are *involved* with the games like that; don't shit on him just because you don't like him for whatever piddily reason you have.
Lucas is still doing a great job and doing things FOR the MM community as a whole; personal reasons aside, you shouldn't be so judgmental when he's done nothing but good for us. He sure as hell didn't have to knock the Iris death scene out of the park, he did because he wanted to.
@Dhylec: You misunderstood. I wasn't criticizing any voice actors. I was simply saying it makes sense that a boy would voice a boy as opposed to a man or woman pretending to be boy.
ReplyDeleteFor what it's worth, the voice actress that did MegaMan in MM8 was the same actress that did him in Japanese. As I recall it, the whole voicing cast of that game was the same in japanese and english (explains Dr. Light's problems with the "r" sound...)
ReplyDeleteIn an era of bad dubbing in anything anime, the use of the original japanese cast was supposed to be a big deal. I remember thinking it was too.
ReplyDelete"Dr. Light, what do you think of these?"
"Deze...? Deze zeems ta be enuhjee wezuhses! But... I've nevah seen dis type on Oith. I dunno where 'dis enuhjee came fwom, but we cannot leddit vall inda Dogtah Wahwee's hanz. You must recucaw all de enuhjee immadeedly, W...Mega Man!"
"But where IS Dr. Wily?"
"Datz uh gud krechun! We may be able to locay an uddah enuhjee emission fwom da wadaw woom. When we fine 'dat medeuh, we'll FINE DOGTAH WAHWEE!"
@Wolfshadow -
ReplyDeleteMark Gatha is the best thing to ever happen to the X series. Seriously, X will never be the same without him.
Great , Rock is like a 16-17 year old and they use a little kid as his VA. Can't wait >_>"
ReplyDelete@Anon -
ReplyDeleteUh, no actually. Rock is more like an 8-12 year old. X is modeled after a young adult, like 17 or 18.
Rock is SUPPOSED to sound like a boy. That's what he is. Think Astro Boy, and you'll have the right idea.
It's the stupid anime dubs of Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Star Force that got things wrong by making Mega Man sound like a teen/young adult.
Rock has always supposed to be and sound like a kid.
@Dhylec: I don't know where people keep getting this rumor from, but it is simply untrue. Mega Man was voiced by Ruth Shiraishi in the American version of Mega Man 8, and by Ai Orikasa in the Japanese version. Not only are they completely different actresses, but they don't even sound anything alike, either!
ReplyDelete@Anon that says Mega Man is 16-17 years old: Ummm... what? No he isn't. He was programmed to have the mentality of a 10 year old child. MANY Japanese sourcebooks have stated this. Mega Man is a kid. HE'S ALWAYS been a kid. He always WILL BE a kid.
^Are you honestly suggesting you want a big, booming, adult voice for THIS CHARACTER?! Actually... scratch that. Are you honestly suggesting that someone that looks LIKE THAT is 16-17 years old?!
"Lucas is still doing a great job and doing things FOR the MM community as a whole; personal reasons aside, you shouldn't be so judgmental when he's done nothing but good for us. He sure as hell didn't have to knock the Iris death scene out of the park, he did because he wanted to."
ReplyDeleteLook, I don't think Lucas Gilbertson is a bad VA. He's pretty damn good. Let's face it though, he's not perfect and I think taking a well known, not to mention proven english VA in for Zero's role is a better idea. Think about it this way: yeah Lucas was fine for the games and cutscenes, but could you imagine him voicing Zero in a movie? I couldn't and yet I could see Johnny Yong Bosh doing it. All I'm saying is Lucas has done a great job and he was a HUGE step in the right direction, but if the MegaMan series wants to have professional, and I mean really top notch professional english voices, they need to take it even further.
Btw, Mark Gatha was the best voice for X so far, but they could definilty get someone even better.
"Yes, I agree, a woman voicing Mega Man works; it did in MM8. However, it *so* did not work for X, and it wasn't until Ocean got involved that X hit puberty.
....ok.. He hit puberty in X7 but he had one hell of a sinus infection.
Either way.. Lucas and Mark kicked ass in both roles and deserve some damned respect. I really hate 'purists' hating on Western VAs because they don't speak Japanese. I personally would like to UNDERSTAND what the hell characters are saying!!!!! Mark is too busy saving lives and being a doctor to even fend off some of these comments and Lucas has obviously EMBRACED his role and the MM community as a whole; we need more people that are *involved* with the games like that; don't shit on him just because you don't like him for whatever piddily reason you have. "
I think we can all agree that the Ocean Group dub is and has been the best english dubbers for MegaMan games yet. They've done some great stuff. X sounded horrible until Mark Gatha finally took his role. That's not to say they've been outstanding. They have their flaws too as a smaller production dubbing company and I could certainly think of a few VAs that would be fantastic for X. Would I perfer the alternative of the horrible VAs from X4 and X7? HELL NO. I'm glad Ocean Group has taken over. But I'm also glad they are taking it a step further with MVC3 by hiring VAs that have done COUNTLESS voices, are well known and for those reasons among many others they are the best of the best when it comes to english VAs. If I were to hire VAs for a MegaMan animated show or movie I would be hiring the best VAs out there, not a smaller dubbing house. No offense to Ocean Group, but it's the truth. Maybe I'm snobbish for wanting the best out of one of my favorite franchises, but it HAS been around for over two decades, it's a house hold name and it's beloved by the world over. Why is it then that the series doesn't get 5 star treatment? Let's do a comparison. How do the english voices from a Kingdom Hearts game(any of them) sound next to the english voices from say Maverick Hunter X? Sure Maverick Hunter has good voices, but KH is going to blow it out of the water every time with it's voice talent because they went the whole nine yards with it and hired top notch VAs. (such as, you know, REAL actors) Why shouldn't MegaMan get the same treatment? It's like I said before: the dubbing may work fine for a videogame but if you had the same voice actors on a tv show or the big screen you would notice the dip in quality compared to other animated properties. It's just the truth.
I'm also not a purist by any means. I HATE purists. They are usually the kinds of people are into their late 30's gathering mold in the bottom of their parents basement waiting to complain about any little thing because they can't get laid. Here's an idea purists: GROW UP. I want to hear cartoons in my own language because that's the language I speak and understand. Yeah Japanese is cool and all, but I also don't speak it and would rather watch a cartoon in english. When it comes to live action imported movies I always watch it with subtitles since dubbing on live action is always goddawful no matter what. But cartoons, it works perfectly fine, and unless the dub is fucking horrible or it was never dubbed, 99% of the time I perfer to watch it in english. (case in point: FLCL I have never watched in japanese because the dub is perfect, Miyazaki movies are always dubbed well, Tekkon Kinkreet has a great dub, Akira does, etc)
All that aside, I have no ill will towards anyone at Ocean Group and I think they've done some great work. And I'm also very glad that MegaMan X is taking his time to save lives. :)
"Yes, I agree, a woman voicing Mega Man works; it did in MM8. However, it *so* did not work for X, and it wasn't until Ocean got involved that X hit puberty.
....ok.. He hit puberty in X7 but he had one hell of a sinus infection.
Either way.. Lucas and Mark kicked ass in both roles and deserve some damned respect. I really hate 'purists' hating on Western VAs because they don't speak Japanese. I personally would like to UNDERSTAND what the hell characters are saying!!!!! Mark is too busy saving lives and being a doctor to even fend off some of these comments and Lucas has obviously EMBRACED his role and the MM community as a whole; we need more people that are *involved* with the games like that; don't shit on him just because you don't like him for whatever piddily reason you have. "
I think we can all agree that the Ocean Group dub is and has been the best english dubbers for MegaMan games yet. They've done some great stuff. X sounded horrible until Mark Gatha finally took his role. That's not to say they've been outstanding. They have their flaws too as a smaller production dubbing company and I could certainly think of a few VAs that would be fantastic for X. Would I perfer the alternative of the horrible VAs from X4 and X7? HELL NO. I'm glad Ocean Group has taken over. But I'm also glad they are taking it a step further with MVC3 by hiring VAs that have done COUNTLESS voices, are well known and for those reasons among many others they are the best of the best when it comes to english VAs. If I were to hire VAs for a MegaMan animated show or movie I would be hiring the best VAs out there, not a smaller dubbing house. No offense to Ocean Group, but it's the truth. Maybe I'm snobbish for wanting the best out of one of my favorite franchises, but it HAS been around for over two decades, it's a house hold name and it's beloved by the world over. Why is it then that the series doesn't get 5 star treatment? Let's do a comparison. How do the english voices from a Kingdom Hearts game(any of them) sound next to the english voices from say Maverick Hunter X? Sure Maverick Hunter has good voices, but KH is going to blow it out of the water every time with it's voice talent because they went the whole nine yards with it and hired top notch VAs. (such as, you know, REAL actors) Why shouldn't MegaMan get the same treatment? It's like I said before: the dubbing may work fine for a videogame but if you had the same voice actors on a tv show or the big screen you would notice the dip in quality compared to other animated properties. It's just the truth.
12 year old kid? Sounds good. Could be far, -far- worse.
ReplyDelete*tries to imagine Classic or EXE having a really deep adult voice*
*bursts out laughing*
ANYONE can edit imdb, just like wikipedia. This should not be getting any attention from anyone.
ReplyDelete"How do the english voices from a Kingdom Hearts game(any of them) sound next to the english voices from say Maverick Hunter X? Sure Maverick Hunter has good voices, but KH is going to blow it out of the water every time with it's voice talent because they went the whole nine yards with it and hired top notch VAs."
ReplyDeleteFunny, I'm pretty sure my sister and I (sister especially for being a FF7 fan) SHRIVELED AND WITHERED IN PAIN at hearing the 'professional actors' take their god-awful whack at the FF cast. Disney sucks, they have sucked for a while now, this much is proven fact; Mina Savari or whoever the fudge it was who voiced Aeris in KH2? Sucked. Mandy Moore did *OK*... but not perfect. The characters lost all sense of who they were the second they became 'kingdom heartsified' and overall, I refuse to play those games because it's just playing a bunch of teenage hormones with a controller and pretty, 'fuckable' kids as your main characters. (AKA everything Disney has done the past 2 decades; sell sex appeal to teens and wreck the lives of their stars in the process).. At least the X series has a bit more depth and a storyline that makes SOME form of sense, and doesn't sell overly obvious sex appeal and send the wrong message to kids who don't fucking know better. *END. RANT.* T______T
Ocean does anime/game stuff all the time. Let the 'real actors' (AKA rich scumbags that are spreading many STDs around southern California by sleeping with each other several times over) do their thing, let the dedicated voice acting groups like Ocean do theirs. Johnny Young Bosch *IS* an excellent VA, I'm not arguing that, I loved him as Kiba in Wolf's Rain and he's great for Ichigo in Bleach; but I prefer Lucas for Zero and I almost shake in fear of what X will sound like the next time we hear him speak. At least Johnny seemed like he was TRYING to emulate Lucas's Zero voice for MvC3.
''For what it's worth, the voice actress that did MegaMan in MM8 was the same actress that did him in Japanese. As I recall it, the whole voicing cast of that game was the same in japanese and english (explains Dr. Light's problems with the "r" sound...)''
ReplyDeleteNo, it wasn't the same actors/actress AT ALL. Also, Japanese people don't have a problem with the ''R'' sound, but rather with the ''L''.
@Krazy Monkey
ReplyDeleteHey Krazy Monkey, did a anon in a past post told you I have alternate accounts, wel... he's right about that. Turns out, I used mulptiple names on sites that I liked and forums I like and dislike, but the biggest problem with my name, MegaKOS-MOSFan was I got bullied or trolled a lot in one forum that is no longer the source of my hate. But I'm sorry I got on your nerves sometimes and hope you treat me like a normal person.
ReplyDeleteHey, don't worry about it, it's not that big of a deal. Like I said before, even I've had alternate accounts in the past. If I were to get pissed off about that, then I'd be a hypocrite. Also, I never found you to be irritating.
Nothing against the kid (who's done plenty of stuff before this), but why not use a female voice actor for once? It works extremely well in the Japanese games and has for years!
ReplyDelete@ Joseph Collins: While Mega Man has enough of a voice range set for a female to do pretty well in (if that makes sense) like over in Japan, this kid was probably chosen to voice Mega Man because he sounded closer to a possible idea that the producers (or whoever runs VA-ing for MVC3) had for Mega Man's voice. And while female VAs like Mona Marshall and Barbara Goodson have done pretty damn good voicing boys in anime and games (like Izzy in Digimon and that one kid from FLCL) and would probably fit pretty close to the idea for Mega Man, they probably chose to get a kid like Zachary Gordon because he fits the idea for Mega Man better than any female VAs did. (Or, at least until puberty hits. And let's hope that doesn't happen around this time.)
ReplyDelete@Saito: Naota.
ReplyDelete@ Anon: Naota?