According to the blog (with a translation and summary provided by reader KidWillow), Rockman Online takes place in the far future. Rockman X, Zero, and the rest of the X series cast have long died off; so too, has the looming threat of the Sigma Virus and its product, the Irregulars (Mavericks).Believing the threat of Irregulars are gone for good, society is taken by surprise one day when a large number of Irregulars began to wreak havoc out of the blue. In response, the UCA (The United Continent Association), initiates the production of copies of X, Zero and Duo, among other heroes, to combat the rampant Irregulars. The UCA went so far as to embed the DNA Souls of the original heroes onto a chip housed within the copy bodies to further enhance their abilities in an effort to make them as legitimate as possible.
The Irregulars associated with Rockman Online are actually rebuilt and heavily customized versions of Robot Masters and Irregulars from the past, produced in a similar manner to the X, Zero and Duo copies. Coupling the above info with the other day's report, we can assume these Irregulars will go on to form the basis of the URA organization (The Ultimate Reploid Association). The URA is at constant war with the UCA with battles waging on the small to large, global scale.
What isn't known at this point is just how Dr. Light and Dr. Wily returned. Artwork on the game's blog depicts the characters associated with the UCA/URA respectively, leading to the assumption that each doctor spearhead's their respective organization. Their depiction could also be looked upon as a sort of visual representation of "good vs. evil" but we don't know for sure.
Nevertheless, it's a fairly interesting plot. I doubt it's canon but hey, I'm not Capcom.
More RMO details are expected to come from the blog so check back every now and then.
This better not be canon;
ReplyDeleteX can never die D:
The only explanation I have as to why Dr. Light and Dr. Wily are around, is that they used a time machine to get into that time period. It wouldn't be the first time Wily's done something like that, since he used his "Time Skimmer" (or whatever it was called) in Game Boy Mega Man II to kidnap a future version of Mega Man and turn him into Quint.
ReplyDeleteElf wars?
ReplyDeleteSo, technically the timeline takes part in an Alternate Zero Timeline?
ReplyDelete..and everyone saying it would be peaceful without X...?
Wow, it looks like the epilogue of X8 is Rockman Online. Not bad capcom.
ReplyDeleteAnd Dr. Wily and could have DNA data in their respective capsules?
This story sounds like someone tried WAY too hard to make something deep and engaging and pretty much made a fruit medley with some mixed nuts. It may have potential, but from this, it doesn't sound like it could fit any possible way into the main timeline canon without making the timeline/story more skewed than it already is. I personally wouldn't even try but we'll see what happens as always.
ReplyDeleteI wonder IF this was canon, where would it be placed...? After ZXA?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I really hope they allow customizartion (I don't think anyone would want to see a bunch of X/Zero/Duo models running around) and that they add a female model design as well.
Maybe the Light and Wily shown are either Reploids resembling them or descendants? Canon or not, it appears to happen far after the ZX series. Biometal Model D(uo)? Axl's copy ability? Looks interesting!
ReplyDelete@PreacherDude: Elpizo, Omega and Weil.
So they aren't the same characters now? Huh. :(
ReplyDeleteYou can tell it takes place long after megaman zx and you can put this in the canon.
ReplyDeleteLike I said in the last post, it's like a bad fanfic, the fact that before the game has even come out we've already got to bend the continuity back on itself to make any sense out of this shows it.
ReplyDeleteDoes the story of every game need to fit in the timeline? If so, when the DOS games and take place into? What happened to Time Man, Fan and Rockman Shadow? The story of RO is pretty good by itself.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping for a better explanation than this, and instead we just get another time paradox. Of course, SOME of it could be solved by Light and Wily time-traveling, but this hardly detailed about that and it's probably just going to ignore why the Classic cast are there.
ReplyDeleteOnline looks awesome, but I really don't like the story.
I bet Dr. Regal from Mega Man Network is cussing at himself right now.
Uh-oh, the "copy" plot ticket. That is never a good idea.
ReplyDeleteWholeheartedly agree with the comment from Anon#4... Sounds like a bad fanfic come true.
ReplyDeleteOye. I'll probably play it, but it would have been better if you could mix/mash your own reploid / robot character, since the MM fanbase is chock-full of some awesome OC designs and ideas...
Also, agreeing with PreacherDude. This is why I boycotted the Zero series after I found out what happened in Zero 2.
I'll email more stuff next week. Midterms right now, so I can only start working on monday. Also, like I said, the original post I made is a quick skim-through that probably has a few errors here and there. Some of them possibly major. And it has a bit of conjecture since I was talking my thoughts on it in the same comment.
ReplyDeleteI'll do a proper translation later on and seperate my conjecture and the official info into neat packages. Expect it to be huge with info being sent/posted over the course of days/weeks, because that naver blog is a nightmare to navigate.
If you guys need me to send anything directly, and email address would be nice. >__>;;
Oh, and my address in case anybody wants to keep in touch. kahunyu@gmail.com
ReplyDelete@Wolfshadow: What happened in Zero 2? I beaten it and didn't notice anything off about it.
ReplyDelete@Wolfshadow: What happened in Zero 2? I beaten it and didn't notice anything off about it.
ReplyDelete@Dr. Jerk:
ReplyDeleteIn Zero 2, Elpizo destroys X's body, and in Zero 3, X fades away after having spent the last of his energy as a cyber-elf. A lot of X fans are put off by these events, though as a hardcore X fan myself I'm not, because it serves the story and Omega/Weil would have won if not for X's sacrifice in Zero 3. Zero couldn't have won the war without him.
Besides, X obviously doesn't really fade away for good; his consciousness is still around in Model X 100 years later.
The models consciousness is fabricated AI, not their actual minds, as explained in ZX.
ReplyDelete(There's a reason the RM Online site calls X's death, eternal rest)
What's with the scientists of the future? X, Zero...Duo?
ReplyDeleteOut of hundreds of years of heroes they picked the alien guy who came to our planet all of twice?
Oh, right. This is bad fanfiction.
Copyroids. It had to be copyroids.
ReplyDeleteBut hey, it's better than being a talking paperweight.
You guys are missing the point. In a sense, Iris and Zero can finally be together again, mankind had finally achieved peace (for a moment of time) like MegaMan and X had sought, Dr. Light can finally see X in person, Dr. Wily can continue terrorizing mankind, and Duo has finally returned to Earth.
RM Online is almost the world that most of the cast wanted, at some point. C'mon everyone, group d'aww.
... and when we're done we can go back to worrying if Colonel is in the game or not.
In a sense, every one can be happy in the game. We might be able to see Colonel class, with heave melee weaponry in mind
ReplyDeletewhat if, this is the afterlife of rockman? anyways, then what about the rockman characters in the trailer?
ReplyDeleteYo. >__> Expect something to show up on my blog, Protodude's blog, or Cassandra's blog within the week. And by something, I mean virtually every bit of important information that's been out now.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I'm the Korea*ag that put up the post, and I'm regretting it. Expect me to use this newfound power to advertise an EXE fangame I'm helping out sometime in the future. >__>;;
And...it's up on cassandra's blog. I'll also be putting it up on my blogs with my own speculations and thoughts on things so far.
ReplyDeleteHey, I personally think this will be neat. I mean, can it be any weirder or convuluted than Megaman Unviverse? (which I'm not even sure is even placed anywhere in the timeline)
ReplyDeleteI have not played a Megaman game and been dissapointed yet. I don't expect to now.
Personally, I think their trying to combine things from the entire Megaman franchise. I mean, think about it. its a Megaman MMO, which has multiple eras (and even a parralle universe). If they didn't try to mush it all together, they'd have to make multiple MMO's for one franchise/series.
There are those who are fans only of one era or another (be it classic, X, Zero, ZX, Legends, BN, or SF) So I would actually kinda exect to see elements from all the series in a Megaman MMO.
I really hope this gets finished and ported to the USA.
i believe this story is canon cause in the megaman x series sigma mentions meeting zero's creator and light did appear personally to repair x and provide him with upgrades. So it's possible both x and zero creator out live thier creations. Plus its already proven that robots destroyed can be brought back or how else explain why you have to fight them twice. Also in the megaman universe who knows how far tech has advance in which humans could live over 100 like in mass effect where human life expectancy is 150 or more.