"Oh, finally, I was introduced to Capcom’s Kawano-san today, who was also the maker of Rockman DASH. But when I told him the wish to “make a sequel to DASH” from a certain person, he gave me some sort of grin… If it’s good it’s good I suppose… Goodnight.”
..and then, in a followup Tweet:
"If you're Dash fan, you'll be happy soon."
and another, in response to the tweet, "Don't toy with our hearts like that Kamiya-san!":
"...you gotta believe Kawano san!"
Sounds to me like Capcom is working on something Legends related with Yoshinori Kawano (director of MML1&2, Tron Bonne) being involved. Kamiya, though no longer associated with Capcom, was likely made aware of it from his meeting with Kawano -- thus ensuing the "If you're [a] Dash fan, you'll be happy soon" tweet. Of course, this is all so ambiguous it could turn out to be anything...or nothing. Nevertheless, couldn't hurt to speculate.
UPDATE 2: Here's two more tweets of interest to keep you on edge. The first tweet is in response to "Kamiya-san Why must you toy with our emotions? We NEED Dash 3", to which Kamiya said:
and the second, a response to "No Dash 3 at all, huh?""All I can tell is just wait!"
"Just wait and see."
...This man knows something.
Thanks to Jeff of MegaManX9 for the tip and GarboSan for the translation.
Holy crap.
ReplyDeleteI do wish it is that long-waited sequel.
ReplyDeleteAnd now, For the flood of the fanboys. *puts up shield*
Anyways, I've actually never played legends, so if they made this, Then I'd have played at least one game in each of the series.
Hope it's an actual game or collection and not another cameo.
ReplyDeleteA "complete works" book would be nice, though.
He told me(TreSanBan) to "Believe in Kawano-san". That's good enough for me.
ReplyDeleteSo, the "oft requested" game is Mega Man Legends 3, after all. Part of me saw this coming, but another part of me figured that the requests of Legends fans were falling on deaf ears. Although I'm not much of a Legends fan myself, I'm glad to see that Capcom is actually listening to the rest of their fanbase.
ReplyDeleteMegaman legend 3 O__O HELL YEAH¡!¡!
ReplyDeleteso many years waiting D:
Damn it, now I'm popping a big bonne right about now..
ReplyDeleteI may just be taking this out of context, but on his first tweet about DASH he said:
ReplyDeleteあ…最後に… 昼間に紹介したカプコンの河野さんはロックマンDASH作った�
Or "I want make a sequel to DASH"
Kamiya wants to do DASH 3?
Note that I meant to point out, what I thought he may have said, was his wish to make DASH 3. I'm aware he said he wasn't working on it already.
ReplyDeleteMeh, there's nothing here that suggests an upcoming DASH game :3
ReplyDeleteAs I said, DASH 3 would be a risky move for Capcom. And Capcom likes to play safe.
There has been previous rumors and and news and stuff hinting upcoming DASH stuff, but none of them were hinting at a concrete upcoming DASH game, and for the sake of not getting my hopes crushed once again by indirect hints, I'll just swallow this with a glass full of meh.
I would not mind a enhanced remake with 3D graphics like the Gesellschaft and Kattelox Island in TvC and MvC3. After doing both MoTB, MML and MML2 (maybe even put them together, with MoTB as a flashback of the Bonnes between the two games), move on to MML3!
ReplyDeleteA OCW book too. DASH and ZX are the only series that don't have a Official Complete Works yet.
ReplyDeleteThat's it. Capcom... you're dead to me.
Could...could this really be it?
ReplyDelete'course, it came a lot sooner than I thought it ever would. But damn, this would be the best thing that's happened to Mega Man in ages.
In before Legends 3 anouncement and whiny fans.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that it's just Volnutt in MVC3.
ReplyDeleteCould it be? Can it only be Legends 3, maybe it's a remake of Legends 1, or even a compilation of the two games, If it's the compilation and it comes for Wii, I'm buying it, no excuse!
ReplyDeleteIt's going to get to the point where people say "inb4 the inb4's."
ReplyDeleteMy hope reserve dried up long ago. Having a new game hinted at me and then being disappointed has gotten old.
ReplyDeleteI'll be excited when it's announced.
Come on, Capcom, quit teasing us and give us more DASH games already before someone dies waiting for them!
ReplyDeleteMaybe one of the mobile games will be ported for PSP and DS?
ReplyDeleteLegends 3 is the Duke Nuekem of the Megaman franchise.
ReplyDeleteCapcoms taken a lot of risky moves before, Like making MMX7. Dont forget about BN4.5, The starforce series in general, And the many, MANY rockman spinoff games. I can bet almost all of those ideas were pretty risky moves, The only bad one that I see is MMX7, But I jsut hate that game. And DASH 3 has been requested from a shit-ton of people, So sooner or later its gunna be made.
@Flame: I would say Legends 3 is the Banjo-Kazooie of Megaman.
ReplyDeleteWhich is why I hope that a Legends 3 won't suck as much as Nuts and Bolts did.
in case everyone forgot, there was a statement made by i think, keiji himself, saying that X fans would be happy about MVC3. and although no mention of MVC was made here, Dash/Legends fans will also be happy. IMO, it could go either way here. we may as well flip a coin on it. shame it's not capcom vs DC, or we could use two face's coin. you get alot more accuracy out of a two headed coin.
ReplyDeleteFeh still thinking Legends 3 will get made adorable, the game would bomb if Capcom actually did it.
ReplyDelete@ Anon raging about Volnutt in MvC3:
ReplyDeleteThe chances that this is just Volnutt in MvC3 is low. Tron Bonne is already there, and she’s taken his theme from TvC. Unless Volnutt is going to use the same theme (unlikely), then it’s safe to say he’s out.
This has to be something more involved. At this point, I don’t see Legends fans being happy with Volnutt being in YET ANOTHER crossover with absolutely no new Legends game in sight. At this point, it comes off as less "Hey, we remember Legends too!" and more "Hey, we put Volnutt in MvC3 too! Now shut up."
@ MegamanMegafan:
Don't forget the entire EXE series in general. That was the riskiest of the risky. Capcom must have had a lot of faith in it when it was moving so far away from the standard formula AND made the first game a launch title for the GBA in Japan.
It's coming, guys. After a decade, it's finally coming. What other direction could these signs be pointing to? Let's not forget the "of-requested" game Inafune spoke breifly about.
ReplyDeleteMegaMan Legends 3 is right around the corner.
I will wait until they actually announce it. I am not going to waste my breath!
ReplyDeleteMeh..we will see.
ReplyDeleteMake a megaman FPS.
lol, it's funny, the wait has made me like Legends more than I did before. I enjoyed the games but didn't consider myself a fan of the series really. I don't particularly like the storyline, but dang, the prospect of playing that game on PS3 with Move or Wii is very enticing. I'd much rather see it on PS3 though. Can you imagine multiplayer battles? They can throw in X and Classic characters as DLC for that? That'd be pretty sweet....but if history is any indication, we're all probably hoping for way more than this hint is going to deliver.
ReplyDelete@Flame: roflmao, that was awesome
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind, gentlemen, that Capcom has been taking a good long leak on what the fans want recently.
ReplyDeleteLook at that new DmC crap. If we actually GET a Legends 3 anytime soon; chances are pretty good you're going to wish we hadn't.
Yep, update number two has definitely confirmed it. Maybe there's hope left for the Mega Man series after all.
ReplyDeleteOnly CAPCOM can tease my throbbing bonne for over a decade like this.
ReplyDeleteThis climax will be DELICIOUS
いい事あるといいね = It'd be nice if there was good news, or I hope there's good news, or I hope this means good news, are all better translations than "if it's good it's good" whatever that's supposed to mean.
ReplyDelete""No Dash 3 at all, huh?"
ReplyDelete"Just wait and see."
*reveals that Mega Man can dash 3 times in succession in Mega Man Universe*
Considering that it's kind of old news, it could have been just the announcement that Tron would be in MvC3.
ReplyDeleteI love all the people jumping to the conclusion that it's L3 though! Get a hold of yourselves, geez!
- Even if it's DASH 3, do you believe to be "breaking news"? In other words, I wouldn't be surprised with another fail... like MMU.
ReplyDeleteTAG, that was awesome.
ReplyDeleteSeriously though Capcom; Legends 3, if only so these fanboys will SHUT UP..
ReplyDeleteTaken from Kamiya's Twitter.
"PG_kamiya: NO. RT @Protodude @PG_kamiya Tron Bonne in MVC3 isn't what you're talking about in relation to DASH, right?"
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about saying that, But that'd just get more people raging.
Several DASH character will appear in MM Universe! XD
ReplyDeleteIt's kinda funny, reading the interview of Inafune and Ariga in Megamix Vol 2, he's all about making a Legends 3, when "the time is right". Could that be now? Only the Shadow knows......
ReplyDelete@Hypercoyote: Only the Shadow knows? Are you kidding me? He doesn't even know where that damned fourth Chaos Emerald is.
ReplyDelete@ BreakMan.EXE: You're new here, huh?
ReplyDeleteIn the past (like last year), someone named 'The Shadow' used to come here. He leaked a few things, as far as I remember.
Me, new? Nope. Just not someone who posts here very often. Protodude himself can vouch for me; we go back a long way.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm well aware of The Shadow Formerly Known As The MM9 Inside Scoop. I just enjoyed your little meta-reference so much that I became compelled to make a joke.
It failed, obviously. *shrug* Well, better luck to me next time!
Er, the reference I was er...referring to was obviously Hypercoyote's. So...yeah. Gonna go drink some coffee before I make myself sound any dumber than I already have. XD