Saturday, March 6, 2010

Celebrate Mega Man 10 Launch At Nintendo World Store (Bumped to Front)

Just a friendly reminder about tomorrow...

"In celebration of Mega Man 10’s release on WiiWare this past Monday, Nintendo World in New York City will be giving out Mega Man 10 shirts (featuring that amazing art by iam8bit, while supplies last) with the purchase of a 2,000 Wii points card! Additionally, Mega Man 10 posters will be given out with any items purchased at the store while supplies last. You won’t find these ultra rare items anywhere else, so make your way to Nintendo World in NYC! The event begins on March 7th, Sunday at 11am EST!"

Sounds like fun, but alas, I'll be stuck here in the Midwest. Plan on attending? Let us know how it goes!

via Capcom-Unity


  1. Freakin' midwest. Nothing cool happens out here.

  2. Holy fuck ive gotta go there.

  3. damn it! i'm on the other side of the country!

    *makes plans on moving to NY*

  4. I'd love to, but I'm working that day. Oh well. At least I met Inafune-san when I went for Star Force's release!

  5. I am stuck in Florida. I need to get my hands on one of those posters though. Without a doubt. Or I can have a printing shop nearby print one for me. Whatevers cheaper I guess, lol. Just as long as the size matches MM9's poster. :D

  6. What ShadowNeko003 said. I hate living on the West Coast sometimes.

  7. Dang it I'm all the way here in Australia. They better it world wide next time!

  8. NY I wish I was there thats gonna be a lot of megaman things/stuff.

  9. At least the west has E3 and SDCC.


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