Friday, January 8, 2010

Guess The Robot Master, Win Stuff

Capcom is holding a fun little contest where they want you to guess the name of Mega Man 10's sports themed stage Robot Master.  If you're first to get it right, you''ll be rewarded with an "uber, awesome mystery Mega Man 10 related box of swag."

To aid you in coming up with a name, here's the silhouette of the stadium stage Robot Master (as seen in the MM10 trailer):

So, what do you think? Send your guesses to this post here! One guess per comment; multiple guesses are acceptable!


  1. it looks like a robot master that I made up (and navi for megaman exe)...


  2. o_0 Reminds me of Airman

    That never means anything.

  3. Yeah, it is officially Strike Man. :\

  4. So, is there any reason why the other announcement was removed, where the names of the other five Robot Masters were revealed?

  5. @Krazy Monkey:
    Had to take that down for now. It might resurface. We'll see what happens.

  6. Why did you have to take it down? It's really cool! We now know the robot masters' names.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. It was already reveal at some video I found.. It is better not to say anything here because I saw some users here got right names. There is some video somewhere and already reveal the robot masters names.

  9. stadium-man LOL!!

  10. The figure does look a little like Yellow Devil, but I'd say it might be "BallMan".


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