Not much is known at the moment, but what we can gather is that Shooting Star Rockman is playable within the EXE universe. Other characters such as Harp Note, appear as well.
Other tidbits:
- SSRockman and Rockman EXE are playable.
- Clock Man (aka Clock Genius) is a Navi from the future. Interacts with characters from the EXE universe.
- Additionally, Clock Man gets his own area.
- Graphically, the game uses the sprites from EXE 1. The over world is directly from EXE 1.
- There is a map for the Internet on the bottom screen.
- No word on how the battles will play out. Next issue of Coro Coro might touch on this.
More info as it develops. Many thanks to Mega Man Network for helping gather the info. This was a collaborative effort between Heat Man and myself :)
Why couldn't they go with EXE 5 or EXE 6 sprites? Let's just hope these are early beta pictures.
ReplyDeleteThank you Protodude. You made my morning a lot better. I am also glad that you can also play as SS Megaman. It also seems like the game is like a cross over plus a remake. I knew it would be!
ReplyDelete@anon1 yeah i hope they are too, otherwise is be slightly dissapointed.
ReplyDeleteDoes it say anything about if the Clockman scenario is the main plot or like the aftergame secret thing (like Sirius)?
Doesn't look to much like a remake...I'm hoping for improvements with the battle system. Then I'll be happy.
ReplyDeleteWho cares aout the graphics this games gonna own all!!!Also Protodude,thanks for making my morning better too because 1st Flash Cards on the DSi were cracked and now this...YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNow this is starting to look more like a crossover than a straight remake. I like.
ReplyDeleteI'm also a fan of the EXE1-3 style more than EXE4-6, so that's nice too.
This is anon 4 just adding on something:
ReplyDeleteI bet there's gonna be a sequel thing like this,if there is you owe me £10...........................Just kidding Lol.
From what I got out of it, it looks like you might be able to take either SS RockMan's side, BN RockMan's side; you can play as either character separately. Sort of like in Sword of Mana... Either that, or Lan can switch between controlling SS RockMan and BN RockMan...
ReplyDeleteBut that's just a guess. XD
So they didn't even bother to make new sprites for the Exe cast? How lazy can they get...
ReplyDeleteNo battle screenies?
ReplyDeleteSlightly disappointed. I was wanting new graphics. But RnR Rockman in EXE1 graphics should be neat. I was never fond of the imprecise small graphics of EXE4-6 and RnR1-3.
Excited, but still confused... I hope they don't ruin anything by having a dumb storyline. I really wanted a completely redone game. :\
We'll see what happens. Oh and I'll probably comment again when I think of more to say.
The same graphics? What a copout! Hopefully they'll revamp the entire thing after people talk about what they've seen in this issue. I'd be willing to wait longer if it meant fancy EXE graphics.
ReplyDeleteIt's not released yet, so there's plenty of time! :)
And I'm still entirely stoked. I need MOAH PICTAHS!
"I'm also a fan of the EXE1-3 style more than EXE4-6..."
ReplyDeleteSame here, Anon5. I can't seem to get used to the latter style change (no pun intended). Like everyone said, Protodude, you made my morning. I wonder what the US localization will call this? Maybe something like Megaman Battle Network: Operation Star Force? I don't know. What do you think, Protodude?
ReplyDelete@Snap: Who cares? Cuts down on production time, I'll bet.
Ok, Anon7 here. Told you I'd be back.
ReplyDeleteI'm concerned... will there be enough new content? Sure you can play as SS Rockman, but will it just be the same scenarios with minor additions? EXE1 was too short.
*Hops around the room excitedly* Lazy graphics artists. I can't wait to see what they do with the storyline... will it reset or will it stay the same like in the Star Trek movie? :O Will it be an alternate timeline? Will the additions be small enough to not matter?
Too many thoughts! I should just stop and wait till we have more info. This game better come to the states.
I wonder if the battles are 3D... if they are it would be weird to have the imperfect unrefined EXE1 graphics too. Well, I guess the worst things were the PET menu and the mugs, and they look like they redid at least one of those.
We don't really know anything yet, so I'll try not to blab too much more. XD
in the first scan i can see elements of the spade magnes image in the text box thing for clockman.
ReplyDeleteThe battle images should be interesting... :)
From the source blog, it appears his name is now Clockman. I like that better.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why Netto translates to Heat Doo. Doo? Like, poop doo? They have a word for that specific an idiom in Japanese? :P
@anon4 which flash cards were cracked.. none seem to be atm
ReplyDeleteCould you post some picture from the Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver section please
ReplyDeleteIt's not just lazy, it's ugly. The EXE1 internet was horrible to look at, and the EXE1 sprites are duller when compared to the cleaner, bolder sprites from SSR3 that they're ripping and using in this installment. Look at Subaru standing beside Netto and Meiru. Compare their mug shots. It's horrible!
ReplyDeleteCould you post the pages releated to Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver please
ReplyDeleteCould you possibly post the Pokemon section of CoroCoro,please?
ReplyDeleteI think it's funny that Clock Genius translated/became Clock Man...It reminds me of "Clock Men" from Challenger From the Future.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this is looking very interesting, even though I never got into either of these series. I'll be looking forward to more news though!
oh yeah proto where do you get your scans from?
ReplyDelete2ch via Tarbosan. Source is in the post.
ReplyDeleteWill the star force megaman be able to transform back to regular Geo? And will Geo have the wave transer, the star carrier, the hunter-VG, or an entirely new device?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I thought this was supposed to be a remake, with updated graphics and all. EXE 1 sprites? Come on, they're outdated. Especially the Internet itself, it was awful. But at least, it seems to have a map, which is a nice thing.
ReplyDeleteSome people over on www.serebiiforums.com are waiting for the Pokemon Heart Gold/ Soul Silver info and we were wondering if you could post it over there.
ReplyDelete@ Protodude
ReplyDeleteI can't find any scans on this website. It's possible to post the 2ch-Thread here, instead?
Ah yes, here's the topic:
What I'd like to see in the battle system? EXE2-3 style when Playing as EXE Rockman, RnR3 style when playing as SS Rockman. Basically, keeping the style of fighting true to the series of the Rockman you currently control.
ReplyDelete(Everything I typed here is what I think, nothing is true...at least, confirmed or anything. I just came up with it)
ReplyDeleteIf I think about it, I get the feeling it's NOT a remake.
In fact, Clockman, the navi/FM/EM/whateverxD with time and stuff, is going to be the main storyline.
I bet he made a portal in the Rockman.EXE time and in the Ryuusei No Rockman time and screwed stuff up. He let the portal open and Subaru went through it.
(This is what I think for the EXE1 graphics)
The reason why they are going to use EXE1 graphics, is probably because Subaru got in THAT time. Not the time of EXE2,3,4,5 or 6, but 1.
So... yeah, I think the ''remake'' stuff, is probably related to graphics and not storyline itself. Or they would need to fuse EXE1's storyline together with ClockMan, thus having 2 enemies (heck, they may go work together).
This just made my day. I just KNEW it was going to be a crossover despite the remake claims. Of course, it could also be a remake/crossover deal.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for more info!
Good thing they're using EXE1 sprites. The style of the later games in the series was atrocious.
ReplyDeleteWow. When I thought a crossover would have been silly and desperate, this is beyond anything I could have imagined. A navi from the future ooooooo, and then MegaMan from Star Force comes in, into an era, or should I say, world, where his existence and technology doesn't even exist, to do god knows what. Bah. I was so hoping for a remake of EXE1 and Capcom churns out more nonsense. Bah. Maybe I will play it just to see if it really is something enjoyable, but I don't have my hopes held high.
ReplyDeleteAnd to add to my previous post, if they call Clock Genius "Clock Man" in the US, it will be a blind and silly move on Capcom USA's part. After all, we already have the recently introduced Time Man from PU. I don't understand why EXE has to create new Robot Master names when they still have others from the classic series to use. Time Man would be better for the Genius in my opinion.
ReplyDelete@MegaMac: It looks like Capcom Japan renamed him Clockman, not Capcom US.
ReplyDeleteStill excited. I have a feeling they'll see a few similar complaints over in Japan. Who knows what could happen.
What is up with you guys? You're being so ungrateful about this. Honestly, would you like this? Or nothing at all? Don't be so picky. Honestly, I'm super excited about this!
ReplyDeleteLooks like they're using the new-style SS Megaman. That's good. Seeing as how there are some new sprites, I'm still hoping there is change. But using nearly decade-old graphics in a remake is such a disgrace. They TOTALLY have the potential to use more 3D graphics. As intrigued I will be at seeing a 2D SS Megaman sprite in battle, I'm still hoping they make more progress than that.
ReplyDeleteI wanted EXE5-3D's 3D overworld.
ReplyDeleteHeartbreak. ;__;
The first screenshot has ClockMan saying something like "By the way, this ・・・ is expected to be achieved in 32 hours, 8 minutes, and 126 seconds!!" The ・・・ part means I couldn't really read that part fully, but I'm guessing it's ヤボウ, which is ambition or treachery. There's a part that says "Tag Team" so, I'm guessing you'll be able to switch between them. The headline says something like "A new, mysterious navi! ClockMan arrives!!" Another says "They even appear together in the opening sequence!!" On the third scan, one thing says "Ryuusei no Rockman arrives in Netto's time period!!!" In a screenshot, Subaru says "Oh, hehe... I see, nice to meet you Netto-kun!" The other things are harder to read in this scan.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you here, MegaMac. Clock Genius was the better name, and was, in fact, the name designated by the contest winner. I'm not 100% sure why Capcom decided to rename him to Clock Man, but again, he reminds me of his similar-looking counterpart (or should I say, counterparts) from the canonically-questionable WonderSwan game.
ReplyDeleteWho's said that ClockMan replaces Clock Genius? Who's to say that they're two separate beings?
ReplyDeleteTayo, 野望 is ambition, or even plans. And Clockman says 12 seconds, not 126 seconds... if he had said 8 minutes and 126 seconds, I wouldn't trust him to keep my time.
ReplyDeleteIf that is the new Clock Genius, then I'll be happy - they made him not look stupid.
ReplyDeleteBTW, those who are saying they prefer the format of EXE1-3 over EXE4-6, keep in mind BN6 followed the same format as EXE1-3, and was (IMO) tied with BN2 as the best of the series.
Uhh,people,the have to make new sprites for the SF characters.And it isn't just going to be Geo,since you can se Harp Not ine one of the shots.And Jesus people,they didn't say any thing about new graphics.If you thought they were going to make new graphics,you're a idiot. I just want to know which battle system they're going to use.
ReplyDeleteSeems rather interesting, though im still a bit skeptical, i want to see more before i say anything.
ReplyDeleteHey proto, doesnt it look like only half of this article has currently been scanned? It looks like there is more needed from the 2nd scan...
ReplyDeleteYes. Like what is Lan holding now? I can't imagine they would use that old brick they called a PET back then. This is their chance to reverse their errors.
ReplyDelete@B.Blaze: We're idiots for wanting new graphics? You're an asshole.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. Where is Megaman Zero 5 ? *SIGHING(
ReplyDelete"@B.Blaze: We're idiots for wanting new graphics? You're an asshole."
ReplyDeleteI care what you think.Wait,no I don't.
Whether you care or not, it's still true.
ReplyDeleteOh, sorry typo, didn't really see that. It said 12びょう, 12 seconds.
ReplyDelete@mega rock.exe- Well it does take place during EXE1, so of course, Lan's going to have the same PET he had back then...
ReplyDeleteHere on the Capcom Dairy Co-op, we take pride in having the fastest turn around time with our prized dairy cows. Why, this one here is Betsy. Just this morning, from her udder came Street Fighter Omega Million. A little alfalfa and a bit of neglect and she was ready to be milked again in just an hour. This time we milked street fighter omega million plus from her. She's a beaut. Now this cow, this is a Megaman cow....
ReplyDeleteOh, does the milk taste a bit sour? Don't you fret your head. Most folk don't have the sense to notice it. Also, we've got most folk here in town accustomed to the idea that they should pay twice, thrice, even four times come a blue moon for the same sour milk! Yessirree bob, the Capcom Dairy Co-op is as solid a business as a man ever did make. Now, if you'll excuse me young'n, I need to take this bucket and go back to the well. Again.
ReplyDeleteepic fail time, courtesy of capcom!!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Solo/Burai/Rouge will be in this game.
ReplyDeleteAt the "If Rogue will be there" question...I have one thing to say.
ReplyDeleteFight both Forte and Burai at the same time in original EXE battle style as Rockman.exe, and right Forte and Burai in the Starforce style as SSRockman...
...honestly, not excited. Not a fan of either series. After the last 3 SF games, I'm starting to question if the developers have any innovation left.
ReplyDeleteNow Inti, on the other hand, have truly underrated games. Except Battle Chip Challenge. That can burn in a fire. -_-
graphics don't make a game great it's the gameplay and the story that makes it great, plus it's reminding us of the good old days of BN like what megaman 9 did for the classic series.
ReplyDelete@last Anon
ReplyDeleteTrue, gameplay over graphics, but there's a big difference between MM9 and this.
MM9 had outdated graphics by design, they specifically made it that way so everything would look and feel 8-bit style. Everything fitted together perfectly.
This is different, the reason why many people want updated graphics is so everything would fit together. Now they were just lazy and threw together all the sprites they had. It doesn't match, go to Sprites Inc and look at the difference in detail between the Exe1 and RnR sprites.
Heck look at the mugshots in the scans, the RnR mugshot is more detailed, it has highlights, the Exe mugshot is bland.
They spoke about OSS as if it was history in the making when in fact it starts to look like just another cheap milking attempt.
@Anon above me:
ReplyDeleteIt's true graphics alone don't make a great game, but it definitely IS a contributing factor to one. Many posters aren't asking for spectacular graphics; they're asking for a new look, since the reused graphics further establishes the fact that Capcom milks the series. And really, it's getting stale being used over and over again for 8 years.
Mega Man 9, on the other hand, uses an 8-bit style because it hasn't really been used since the NES era ended. It works because Classic Mega Man is a a very-well known gaming icon.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge MM fan. But a true fan doesn't mindlessly defend the developers; if you really knew your stuff, you would be able to recognize the developers faults.
Anon 4 again
ReplyDelete@Mark one of the R4i`s were hacked(I can`t remember which) and EZ Flash Vi have also cracked it,they`ll release the DSi Firmware which works on Firmware 1.4 next week.
Actually if you look at Lan's mugshot, it's a brand new one.
ReplyDeleteStill...completely recycled graphics. That's just bad. And what about that promo image?
I'm waiting to see what else they're up to.
what ? 2-D ?
ReplyDeletewhy they don't use a 3-D engine for internet/hometown section ?
ReplyDeleteLOL! Indeed. Mega Man is the ultimate cash cow. The creators behind all these ideas and plots must be high on something fierce.
Do you know how interesting and totally upgraded EXE would have been? Expanding the world and making it more immerse than before? But like I said; We have Clock Man, from the future, and Star Force characters in the world of EXE where they cannot even exist physically and technologically.
As for the graphics everyone, EXE-EXE3 was the best. EXE6 upgraded the battle graphics, but that was it. From 4 and beyond The over world was small and everyone looked like they got their shins chopped off. The graphics they used here are a lot more full, large and more "realistic" if you ask me.
I just want to see how this game is going to shape up. Hopefully it will surprise and amaze.
@Mac - technically RnR characters that are waves can exist in technology, since electricity is the flow of electrons, and electrons move like waves. Then again technically everything is a wave, just that it's wavelength is indeterminable with today's current technology. (law in physics.)
ReplyDeleteSF2-3 sprites were still better. No border and good detail. The BN1-3 sprites looked gray and innaccurate.
ReplyDeleteA complete rethink of EXE would have been so cool...
ReplyDelete- I though Capcom had learned about the touch screen usage, since MegaMan StarForce 3 does greatly. From the pics, it seems the touch screen is just a map; wtf!? One step ahead, two steps back Capcom?
ReplyDeleteYou guys are so ungrateful. At least you are getting something. All of you are making the game sound bad. We havn't even recivd decent info yet (like battle shots). I am also sure that Capcom is also going to have a very good use for the touch screen. We also are not seeing the HP because most of these shots are showing cut screens or something is covering up the top-left corner (or it is useing the map function). You guys really shouldn't just jump to a conclusion yet. I mean many people hated the idea of Shooting Star Rockman 3, but look at how it turned out! It was an awesome game that Capcom put a lot of hard work in.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they will have some kind of form change (style/soul union/beast out) that uses both Starforce and EXE megaman >;]
ReplyDeleteAnyway any1 know who that navi is in the first photo that is on the far right side?
I wonder how Geo/Omega/SSMegaman will jack-in to the internet as well as if he will be able to switch between SSMegaman form and plain old Geo Stellar, and if his glasses will play a part in getting into the internet.
=X I think I posted too much.
Really!!!! awesome and useful.............