“I can’t really speak on behalf of Inafune, but I do know that MM is near and dear to his heart. And if Inafune wants something badly enough, he is rarely denied in our greenlight/CS management meetings.”Sounds a bit like a hint if you ask me. You never know what Capcom could be cooking.
via GoNintendo
what about if he wants a new MMZX!?
ReplyDelete(pretty please ^.^)
Also John Daimon(from Capcom) recently had a post on the Playstation blog for the release of MVC2. In it someone asked about Capcom releasing MML3 and John commented back with "MML3 eh? a lot of people seem to be asking about that one". Well it was something along those lines. Just seemed to me like he was hinting at the possibility. Yes I do realise this doesn't mean much just thought i'd share.
ReplyDelete@ModernDaySamurai: Actually that seems more like a bewildered offhand comment to me. "A lot of people seem to be asking about that one" isn't something I would say if I knew anything or thought it was coming, even if I were trying to throw people off.
ReplyDeleteAs I've said before, Inafune surely wants an MML3. He's Inafune! But there's a business side and he's got to make sure the time is right. Sometimes even when you want to make something you like to wait until you can make it soooo good that it blows the pants off people. And flies off the shelves too. And you have time and resources to put into it after having finished other projects. It's like not eating the cake in the fridge until you've finished the yard work. I have a feeling after the MvC 2 sales numbers come in, some things will be brought up in the darkest recesses of Capcom Japan.
I wish I had Inafune's status, only because he gets to make whatever he wants. XD So I guess I could say Miyamoto too. But not for the fame, I want to make games!
Personally, I think instead of making a Legends 3, they need to remake legends 1 with updated graphics and improved controls, possibly a slight re-write for a more serious storyline.
ReplyDeleteThat way you have a game that can appeal to more than just fans of the series, and opens up possibilities for the series to become relevant once again, taking a (hopefully successful) step back into 3D.
Joy. Let's hope this doesn't get the Rumor Mill churning too much. Remember the last Legends based thing?
ReplyDeleteThen, uh, why don't we have Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X sequels? I mean I know they didn't sell well but if Inafune can get his way....
ReplyDelete"MML3@ModernDaySamurai: Actually that seems more like a bewildered offhand comment to me. "A lot of people seem to be asking about that one" isn't something I would say if I knew anything or thought it was coming, even if I were trying to throw people off."
ReplyDeleteYeah thinking it over a bit more I suppose you're right. I had just read that comment before reading this blog post and got over excited I guess. After all you won't find a bigger MML fan than myself.
Neat. . .
ReplyDeleteIt had better be a hint, or else I'll do it. Do what? Well, I don't know yet. But it had better happen! Legends needs more love for it is sinfully underrated. Enough with the cameos and playable characters, the time is nigh for the Legends to continue...
ReplyDeleteWell,if this is true,then maybe he doesan't want them,and is only saying that to make the fans happy?
ReplyDeleteWho says he doesn't want it? Maybe he just doesn't have enough inspiration yet.
ReplyDeleteLegends has a completely unique story unlike the BN/SF games which are rehashes of the same story.
I'd rather wait long and have a good original game than one that was rushed just because fans wanted it.
I don't know about the whole "waiting till the time is right" thing. I mean, Legends was great, and I definitely want a sequel, but it would seem only fans from 2 generations ago (PS1) would really want it. If we keep waiting, another generation will be here before we know it.
ReplyDeleteInafune-san is mai waifu :3
@Snap: I don't get why EXE and SF are rehashes of the same story, while allll of the other Rockman series are unique? Every single Rockman game is the world coming to an end or general havoc being wreaked, and you defeating the bad guys. EXE/SF are up to par on that, and could even be considered more unique since they have more dialogue and go into each scenario with more detail than a lot of Rockman games do, where you complete a sidescrolling level and then kill the boss with little to no story fill-ins.
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely NO grounds to call EXE/SF rehashes if you also say the other Rockman series are not. That particular rag has gotten very very old.
I'd rather hear that X9 is is on the way.. Never cared for the Legends games, really. Honestly, the only reason that series was even -made- was because of Sony forcing 3-D down Capcom's throat to "pay back" for X4 and MM8..
ReplyDeleteIf they continued the MHX and Powered Up series, on a more popular system (Wii, DS?) THEN I'd be estatic.. I know there's alot of Legends fans out there though, so I guess I'd be happy for them.