Two PRC readers are reporting spotting these brand new Mega Man t-shirts at North American
Kohl's outlets for $14.99. They are produced by Gaming Ape, makers of several other video gamed themed apparel.
So far, only one style is available, a light blue featuring an 8-bit E-Tank sprite on the front and a Mega Man sprite on the back.
Thanks to pipoTron for the photo.
...and its price?? how about 200 bucks? or the generously sum of 2 capcollars...in money conversion..
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty cool. I'm glad I have a Kohl's right near my house. I hope they come in girl sizes. xD
ReplyDeleteI didn't find any at my Kohl's store :(
ReplyDeleteLooks like i'm going to be stopping into Kohl's tommorrow :)
ReplyDeletegot one love it!:)
ReplyDeleteIs it just a blue shirt with an E-Tank on it or is there any other design? I'd like to know before I drive to Kohl's which isn't exactly close by!
ReplyDeleteYup, that's all there is. Just the blue shirt.
ReplyDeleteOk thanks.
ReplyDeleteThat looks almost exactly like the UNIQLO shirt sold in Japan. Neat.
ReplyDeleteThis shirt is so hard to find... I've been all over PA, CT, ME, NY, nothing.
ReplyDeleteMy local Kohls didnt have any. and the site doesnt list them either.