"I know that people want them and I'm working with Japan to see what we can do about that. But they're not on the docket right now as they need to be recleared for rights issues (voice actors, musical score, middleware, any IP infractions, etc.) before we could contemplate putting them up. As it stands today, they are not "cleared" by the IP dept for future use."Hopefully, things will get sorted out sooner than later.
Once again, why do they not put clauses in contracts for these things for future use. In other words, we reserve the right to republish this work and pay you the agreed upon amount. This is like publishing a book and every time they have to release a new wave of print (1st, 2nd, 3rd print ed.), they have to renegotiate everything. It's ludicrous!
ReplyDeleteReal answer: They know if they release them on PSN there will be even a greater demand than there already is for a 3rd game!
ReplyDelete@shine - why would they not want to generate interest in a new game? That's just silly.
ReplyDeleteBecause it costs money and the first two were commercial failures, which probably keeps the higher ups from approving it.
ReplyDeleteThat's not why they haven't released it on the PSN though. :P
To be blunt that is a load of crap. If you chose to work on a game I think that after it has been released you should get no say in whether there is a re-release. I mean come on the work is already done, why ask for more than your original agreement?
ReplyDeleteWhat I can REALLY tell by this whole situation is simply because how incredibly identical the Servbots (Kobun) look to the Lego men. That could be be one key reason why Capcom would be reluctant to re-release a title that features characters that look similar to the famous Lego Men. Remember, even though people knew about the Lego similarities back then, there were no Legos video games back when this game came out, but now there are and are popular (with the whole Star Wars/Batman/Indiana Jones/etc games), and with America being a lot more sue-happy, things could potentially look grim for this beloved series.
ReplyDeleteThis is not like TvsC legal-type stuff. This involves another matter.
I swear to god, if this turns into another EarthBound-on-VC legal-issue, I will dread. =(
*sigh* not this again. More and more copyright stuff, company clearances and money. . .More of the samething with Megaman everyday, well not the today series anyways.
ReplyDeleteI laugh at the people who say it isn't true. Man,you guys would REALLY want to make CoA look like the bad guys here,don't you?Just like With the removed features in SF3,you refuse to believe anything that doesn't make them seem like they hate their fans.
ReplyDeleteErm, there's not any indication of trouble yet? They just haven't cleared it.
ReplyDeleteLook, if you guys above are saying I'm trying to stir up some trouble. Guess again. I love this series to my heart. And I want to share that love to more gamer who missed out on this awesome game.
ReplyDeleteBut I would understand the legality problem behind the whole Lego/Kobun thing if such is a problem to them. And not to be further negative, they probably will recognize it.
You know what, I hope I don't jinx it. =(
I hope they release the PSN version. I don't mind the waiting, I'm using a cfw on my PSP just so I can play my backups of Legends 1 & 2 although I would rather pay for them since the backups are somewhat glitchy for me. I'd rather have an official one over a modded one.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it'll get through eventually. Capcom obviously has a lot of respect for it's fans (evidenced with MM9 and TvsC.)
ReplyDeleteLegends is just unloved it seems. Although maybe thats the reason why Legends hasn't gotten a new treatment due to all the issues. Makes no sense, I tells ya.
ReplyDeleteThis all happened after the PSP ports? Or is this a West-exclusive issue?
ReplyDelete"What I can REALLY tell by this whole situation is simply because how incredibly identical the Servbots (Kobun) look to the Lego men. That could be be one key reason why Capcom would be reluctant to re-release a title that features characters that look similar to the famous Lego Men."
ReplyDeleteAnd yet, they were featured as cameos in Dead Rising, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Bionic Commando, Onimusha 3, Auto Modellista, several Battle Network games, and a playable character in Marvel vs. Capcom 2, which is due for a re-release.
Yep, sure sounds like that's the problem alright.
Servbots appeared in many games, they sure aren't a issue.
ReplyDeleteBut why those are a issue?
Voice actors - New voice acting?
Music - Don't use musics from other composers, like Bach, Beethoven and Vivaldi?
Middleware and IP infractions - New software?
Who the fuck gets paid for Beethoven stuff nowadays?
ReplyDelete"And yet, they were featured as cameos in Dead Rising, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Bionic Commando, Onimusha 3, Auto Modellista, several Battle Network games, and a playable character in Marvel vs. Capcom 2, which is due for a re-release.
ReplyDeleteYep, sure sounds like that's the problem alright."
OK, those were cameos. Some of them aren't "official" appearances that the general public aren't really gonna care, much less want to notice nor as "important". MML was never a mainstream title anywhere. Its incredibly underrated and it was/is unappreciated by the grand majority it tried to sell itself on.
Remember here people, that's why Capcom is reluctant to making a Mega Man Legends 3. Because there would have to be a legitimately large audience to justify the expense of making that game. Capcom and Inafune said that. The Mega Man community alone wouldn't cut it. We want a MML3. Me too, totally. But we more people demanding it as well.
If I made some heads nod about my theorized Servbot/Lego scenario, well I just pulled that scenario out of my ass. It doesn't mean that's the problem.
Also, about those cameos. They don't always work wonders for franchises.
Biggest example is Sonic The Hedgehog. This hedgehog who had an appearance in the hugely popular Super Smash Bros Brawl game in Japan, didn't get any extra love there. In fact, despite his big appearance in that game, Sonic Unleashed/World Adventure and SATBN sold like absolute shit there.
"But wasn't he the most requested character in the game..?"
Yeah, IN AMERICA (and perhaps Europe too).
First off those Sonic games just weren't that fun except for the diehard extremist fans. But there are still countless people who care dearly for the character Sonic. They just don't want to support Sonic if he's failing horribly; by turning into some werehog thing that noone really wants to see or in some arabian nights or arthurian sword gimmicky crap.. Yea they are trying new things with sonic.. but the old fans think its the wrong kind of new.. just saying.
ReplyDeleteCameos stil rekindle the interest and hope for an old series to return or a new one to continue.
Megaman Legends was just rejected by so many fans because it wasn't classic megaman or megaman X type gameplay (Yet they except almost every other incarnation of megaman). However I do think its grown in popularity if not at least gained a cult following. I mean every year around this time I become rabid in my search for a little hope the characters I grew so fond of will continue on in the legends series. With a cameo here and a cameo there. Sprinkle in the fact that Keji Inafune loves the series and japan has received cell phone games and DASH for psp. And I constantly hold on to the fact that it'll return.
And the whole lego thing is just ridiculous to be considered and issue.
I'm pretty sure Blast Processing counts as a gimmick.