Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Irregular Hunter/Rockman Rockman Value Pack Website Opens

Capcom has recently opened the doors to a small web page promoting the upcoming Irregular Hunter X/Rockman Rockman PSP value pack.
It's a pretty bare bones web page, not much to look at other than a few shots of the packaging and the bonus soundtrack (pictured). The value pack, and it's subsequent soundtrack (featuring 30 tracks worth of IHX/RR music) will ship on September 17th, 2009 with a 2,900 Yen price tag ($30).

Credit: Cap Kobun

UPDATE - Bigger album art from Famitsu:


  1. Did anyone ever figure out if Play-Asia gets you the CD too? Or will we not know until after it comes out?

  2. Hell yeah, Rockman X Plays Rock

  3. Too bad I don't have a PSP or I'd pick this up.

  4. X with a guitar? Now there's something you don't see everyday. This stuff looks awesome already

  5. Cool! X has the same guitar as I do!

  6. What the hell!? X is playing a guitar? That's actually hilarious!

  7. I never thought of X as being a guitar player. Zero, maybe... But X just doesn't seem the type. Maybe more of a Bassist or even a pianist. XD

  8. That X album art is the best I have EVER SEEN.

  9. My only gripe is that its not a full OST...30 tracks isn't much, but I guess for a freebie you can't complain.

  10. Proto's guitar is really thin o.o that thing made outta paper or somethin'? o_o rawk on I gues..

  11. Now I'm waiting to see the EXE OSS boxart have the EXE and Ryusei Rockmans back-to-back with guitars. XD

    In any case... I hope it's something more engaging than the promo pic. :P

  12. I wish that damn sample text wasn't covering the artwork because X and Zero with electric guitars is just about the best thing ever.

  13. You know, looking at the powered up pic, I can only imagine what corny concert intro they'd make up, like this:
    Roll: "Ready, Rock?"
    Rock: "Ready, Roll!"
    Blues: "All for one..."
    Everyone: "...And ONE FOR ALL!!"

  14. Why does the site say Playstation 2?

  15. O_o;;;


    *annnd, the splatter of a joygasming X fangirl is heard. Nuff said.*

    (Seriously, US MMX R20 is not complete without that image. Want. It. As. A. POSTER.)


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