To back this up, the blogger points out that the logo for Operate Shooting Star is similar to that of Rockman EXE 1's (picture)
Hm... Your thoughts?
Also, you guys might want to take a gander at Heat Man's thoughts over at the Mega Man Network. He presents some really interesting points that suggest a crossover instead of a "remake." Read up on it over here.
My thoughts?
ReplyDeleteStupid. The EXE games are are so similar to one another that they're practially remakes anyway... As much as I loved the first game, I'd be upset it this were true.
Oh god dammit Protodude. Please put SPECULATION in big letters in the headline because you and I both know this is going to get carted around as fact and lead to ENDLESS flame wars unless it's spelled out as the first thing people see.
ReplyDeleteIt's just good journalistic integrity.
Well, it would be a better idea than a crossover game. As I have said before, that would make so sense. I wouldnt mind Battle Network being remade, but I am not too fond of the vertical battle system versus the Battle Network horizontal battles. Hopefully this turns out to be something promising...
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's a huge joke and it's really X9 or Legends 3.....
ReplyDeletereally? this could be interesting!
ReplyDeletealthough, they would have to do ALOT of revamping, such as using 3d for out of battle, like we saw those 3d models for lan, megaman.exe and ACDC town.
I was looking forward to a crossover though, ah well :)
Ugh. This would be a waste in my opinion. EXE1 wasn't that great a game anyways, it wasn't until 2 and 3 that the series really got great.
ReplyDeleteSeriously!? What's with all the hate! You guys are being so picky! This is great either way! I mean, it's Megaman!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad there'll be another game, but if it turns out to be a remake then a lot of people are going to end up disappointed that it isn't something new. Especially if it's just EXE1 with SSR's system, as out-of-battle they're much the same and in-battle people tend to prefer EXE's system.
ReplyDeleteNo, NO and NO! I hope it is some type of crossover. We don't need a frickin remake of the first game. I want new bosses and whatnot from both of these worlds in this game and I definately want to see the return of the stardroids somehow. Enough with the remake crap.
ReplyDeleteHighly doubt it. I don't think they would have put Geo in the presentation image with RockManEXE if he wasn't going to be in it, too.
ReplyDeleteAlso, lots of companies tend to use old logos when they first introduce a new game from the same series. Nintendo does it with The Legend of Zelda (Then after awhile, they present the new logo), and Golden Sun DS.
Maybe they'll remake all 6 EXE and maybe even 4.5 with 3-D graphics. That wouldn't explain why Clock Genius won the contest though.
ReplyDeleteYou're not forced to buy it so there is no need to be "upset".
It's still good. I knew something was up with the BN1-styled logo. Whatever this is must be a new concept. And what if a Classic/X crossover happens? How would that go?
ReplyDeletebut then why have the name rockman.exe operate shooting star? it wouldnt make sense! still looking forward to it :)
ReplyDeleteI HOPE NOT!!
ReplyDeleteI really want a crossover, not a remake. Some may want this to be a remake, but I REALLY hope it's the crossover most of us got so hyped up about.
^ think of it like this:
ReplyDeleteOperate as in control. Shooting Star as in the SSR series
=controlling like SSR
A re-make of EXE1 with the Ryuusei battle system is all kinds of wrong. A re-make of ANY EXE game with the Ryuusei battle system is just wrong.
ReplyDeleteThis title really needs to be a cross-over of some sort, or maybe perhaps a game similar in an idea to like BCC or 4.5, like a fighting/battle game, but done properly.
I generally hate remakes, so I'd be incredibly dissapointed if it is one and not the crossover we've all been at each other's troughts about these past few days.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you guys freaking out over? It's someone's SPECULATION. Someone's guess, someone's theory that is backed up with the simplest of things. That was the first EXE Logo was it not? So what, maybe they don't have any ideas for a new one and made it look classy? On top of this it's a THEORY, a theory from someone no one probably even cares about, do we have history on this guy even being remotely right? No, so as Protodude says some times, take it with a grain of salt, there is NOTHING to back up this guy's theory besides a logo that really holds no meaning other than indicating which series it's from.
ReplyDelete@bingo that is true, but still no reference to a remake of BN1
ReplyDeleteIf it is a re-make, then a lot of people are gonna be pretty pissed off, because a re-make's pointless, especially when more people preferred EXE's battle system over Star Force's. Plus, why have Geo's picture there if he's not going to have a major part in the game, even if he's in this "re-make" at all?
ReplyDeleteBullcrock of shitcock.
ReplyDeleteThe promo image features both Rockman EXE and Shooting Star Rockman.
It's a crossover, I'm positive...
But let speculation continue until Capcom barfs the deets. I'll play the game regardless, but after the quagmire of the PSP remakes of X1 and the original MegaMan, no remakes in sight for a lo-o-o-o-ong time.
If it is really just a remake I have something to say to Capcom. You messed this up I'm just going to go get a used MMBN1 at Gamestop.
ReplyDeleteI think this would be a neat idea , i mean using the DS's dual screen , it might be like battle network 5 double team DS ( twin leaders ) seeing the PET at the bottom , and you at the top
ReplyDeleteIt would make sense. The logo is similar and the name would lend itself to that. But I thought most people liked the EXE system better than the RnR system?
ReplyDeleteI would MUCH rather have a continuation or a crossover, but I guess this is better than nothing. :\ As long as they actually remake it and don't just switch out the battle system.
I really hope this is not true.
ReplyDeleteThough 3D EXE battles would be kind of neat...
No! I want a new EXE game!
ReplyDeleteI've a few more thoughts I didn't put into my first comment.
ReplyDeleteWhile it could be interesting, if it fails that won't be good for the EXE series overall. (Like what some people think of the 4th Indiana Jones movie) If it's fun and successful it could lead to an EXE7 or a real crossover.
I'll remain hopeful that it's a new game, no matter how much it looks otherwise.
Oh, and I think it's freakin hilarious when people say EXE was too repetitive, give me X9 blablabla. All megaman games are that way, doofuses. (with the exception of X7)
As much as I think EXE 1 needs a remake, I don't think this is it. Like linkfreak131 said, there'd be no point in putting Subaru/Geo in the promo picture. It would also be ridiculous since many fans like the battle style of EXE better than that of SSR. Why would Capcom take another giant step backwards? To me, it's obviously a crossover. Don't forget that that Clock Genius character is probably for this game. SSR-style boss name, EXE's main character—there you go.
ReplyDeletewow just a random person crying, no relevence to anything what so ever :)
ReplyDeletewe may now speculate some more
FINALLY! I've waited for something of a new Battle network.
ReplyDeleteOh, and c'mon, who said it will be crossed with the First EXE? The Logo does not mean that everything from the EXE will be from the EXE1.
Stupid decision. I got a feel that it is going to be underrated sell.
ReplyDeleteBe quiet and let us speak our minds. Please be quiet, alright ?
I seriously doubt it's going to be a remake. Otherwise why would they promote the game with Star Force Mega Man if he's not going to be in it?
ReplyDeleteBecause that art was already in existence, that's why. The name is a nod to the SSR series, and the pic could be too.
ReplyDeleteWho knows? No point in speculation really.
I'd prefer the other way around, but honestly, of all the EXE games needing remakes, this one was a good one to choose. It was the first one and in my opinion sucked the most. Either way, no matter what the hell they pull for this game, I still want it if it comes to America.
ReplyDelete- Well, I doubt it's a remake, but anyway I don't mind. Rockman.EXE 1 is a great game and I would buy it for the DS (?) once released "again".
ReplyDeleteok, now this sucks to a brand new level!!! capcom=mtv, analogically speaking of course.
ReplyDeleteWell, I was going to say that I was "strangely okay with this," but that's when I thought it was a crossover. :|
ReplyDeleteNow that I know the truth, my thoughts are as follows: "RE-TAHDED!"
...Well, that'd certainly be an interesting move, but it doesn't seem like a particularly smart one. I mean, from what I've seen, the thing most .EXE fans hate about RNR is the different battle system. And, as others have said, it wouldn't make very much sense to have Subaru in the picture if he isn't in it at all.
ReplyDeleteI mean, I'll be happy either way, but I just think it'd be more likely to be a crossover.
A remake would be a foolish move to do, I believe that Clock Genius will somehow bend time/space and thus allowing for the crossover. I would love to see Solo and Forte.
ReplyDelete@Ken, I dunno it does make sense based on the title. It's main title is Rockman EXE, the only mention of shooting star is in relation to the play style, ie. "operation". So it's like it's called "Rockman EXE, Shooting Star Style Operation"
ReplyDeleteBTW, I never realized they included "Battle Network" in the title of Rockman EXE, but there it is, above the Rockman EXE katakana in the pic you linked to. So I guess that wasn't as random of a subtitle for the english version as I thought it was. Still, I wish they'd called it Megaman.exe because it's a much shorter title. "Megaman Battle Network 5 Double Team DS" was about the longest title I've seen lol
ReplyDeleteHmm...MMBN1 with 3-D graphics? Sounds kinda cool...MMBN1 with MMSF's gameplay? (breaking the fourth wall...if there's any ;P) SAY IT LOUD!:
maybe this http://themechanicalmaniacs.com/articles/mmsfmysteries.php
ReplyDelete(click starforce 1 the scroll down to the mmbn stuff)
has to do with it
So it still has to be a crossover. Because after all, the initial speculation implied that it would not be an addition to any one particular series.
ReplyDeleteI think that would be awesome. I like the star force battle style better anyways. I could never understand how you get powerful in exe when the cards are all completely random. Star force is much simpler, and I like simple in my Mega Man.
ReplyDeleteWith regards to the comment that the art was already in existence...
ReplyDeleteWell, as they say in another Capcom series,
Yes, it's true the sketch for it existed from the 20th Anniversary celebration. But even putting aside the fact that was a sketch and not a full drawing, it showed SF's Megaman in his armor from the first and second games. This art uses the armor from the third game, meaning it was redone and not reused.
Anyways, I hope it's a crossover and not just an EXE remake or something. Though I don't get why so many people are giving credence to speculation.
That would suck. The EXE series has always been superior thanks to its 3x3 grid playing field as opposed to RnR's 1x3 grid. Not to mention that the first EXE always felt like a very systematic game, with one basic setup used repeatedly: explore some, find a new villain, dungeon, boss, repeat.
ReplyDeleteIf the remake is all in 3D like the hiddenstuff in Star Force, bring it on. Otherwise, I want new.
ReplyDeleteI have a strange feeling it is all 3D. That would be sweetness.
This would ruin battle network! go back to the old battle system which you could move around more and fuse battle chips to make a program advance. When will Capcom realize that starforces battle system just sucked compared to battle networks battle system
ReplyDeleteBN2 logo is the same.
ReplyDeleteI'm figuring it isn't a remake, and that it's using the first game's logo because it's EXE in general, rather than a direct continuation of the series with it's somewhat evolving logo. If this game were to focus on the Battle Network side, then without any fancy ancient monsters, teams to side with, death satelites or whatnot, they might not need to fancy up the logo beyond the slightly nostalgic original one.
ReplyDeleteThen again, it could be a remake, but who says it won't use a more Battle Network like system? It could use Star Force style music instruments, graphics and even angle but still have the three tile system, otherwise wouldn't a lot of battle chips become useless?
Another thing on the defense of the remake concept, Clock Genius(wasn't it the one who was entered in a contest) could be some sort of remake exclusive bonus boss, or it could be one of multiple new bosses in a new game, or one of only a few non-returning bosses in a crossover. It would be cool if the clock theme was used for a time travel story, though...
... wow, this was a wall of text. Anyway, color me interested, especially if this is the first in a set of 25th anniversary games leading up to Scramble Battle.
A remake would be silly.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, BN1 is only little over 8 years old and second, it doesn't have the same status as classics like MM1 and X1 to deserve a remake.
@Matthew: I was thinking the same things. If it is a remake I hope they stick with the 3x3 battle field, but then it wouldn't be "operate shooting star" it would just be a 3D remake of EXE1.
ReplyDeleteI just hope to goodness they don't use SSR's instrument/music style. >_>
Wait, so they took a good game with an awesome (though not yet mastered) battle system, and paired it with an epic fail battle system?
ReplyDeleteI KNEW IT! IT'S NO EXE! It's another freaking RnR title! GRRRR!
Man, I never like speculation.
ReplyDeleteThey obviously won't stick with just one battle system...
ReplyDeleteIt could be both!
hey guys stop freaking out like little wimps battle network is awsome! so either way you should just enjoy it!
ReplyDeleteITT: People take speculation as a press release.
ReplyDelete@role, you have problems, as i have said before, its title is ROCKMAN.EXE not RYUUSEI NO ROCKMAN, so you know get your facts right. i say a good idea for the battle systemn would be a 3d side on view 6x6 grid
ReplyDeleteI hope its not a remake but its still cool to see another EXE game!
ReplyDeletewhere is my zx3?
ReplyDeleteM. Bison says Yes.
I hope it's a remake, a crossover wouldn't make any sense <_<
A remake would be better, I mean, EXE1's battle system was kinda stiff, It'd also make the game more fun so you can learn about the story through a different battle system.
ReplyDeleteIf it's a crossover I'd be pissed. Makes no sense
Ionno. I'll just wait and see since EXE/RnR is my forte.
ReplyDeletetoo much caos and flamming for a insignificant not 100% reliable speculation, it wasn't enough whith the whole "MMEXE fans vs MMEXE haters" but now this?
ReplyDeleteI never liked the Battle Network series, and never will.
ReplyDeleteBut I'll get the game just because I'm a RnR fan.
You know, I think the biggest disappointments with the RnR series were the designs and the music. On paper RnR's Rockman actually looked pretty cool, but in-game the hair was funky. And the music was just awful, not memorable and too techno-y. Other than that it was ok, so if this is an EXE game with RnR 3D-ness I think I will love it.
ReplyDelete@Mark McAllister: Honestly, I hope I'm wrong here and that you're right. But I've not had much faith in much of the stuff gaming companies have been putting out disappointments lately...
ReplyDeleteIf the story is remade- like made more better, character's personality expressed/introduced better, and if it has 3D like RnR, good.
ReplyDeleteIf not, I prefer a crossover because I would like to see Forte... but then again he's not the same after BN2 and 3.
This sounded like a good idea to somebody?