Saturday, June 27, 2009

Japanese Exclusive Rockman 9 Xbox Themes

Japan received brand new Rockman 9 DLC this past week in the form of "premium" Xbox 360 themes:


  1. anyway to get that on a US XBOX 360?

  2. Soon maybe? 'cause that artwork looks awesome :D. Isn't that Inafune's drawing style?

  3. If it's the same as a Playstation Network account, I think you have to make a Japanese X-Box Live account for your 360 first. I don't own a 360, but I think you can have an American and Japanese user account on the same machine. ^^

  4. I don't know about you guys but being nickle and dimed for everything is getting old. I am starting to really regret my Xbox purchase.

  5. What? They are themes. They have always been sold. They are not necessary at all. It's like paying to paint your walls.

    If you are cheap then just get a Wii. Then you don't have to pay for anything.

  6. I want that. NOW. >.<

  7. @Anon, actually over on the PS3 and PSP, we actually get nice themes for free. I'm not renewing my gold subscription, not since it looks like they are getting desperate with that last deal to silver members to get a subscription for a buck.

  8. That's some damn fine artwork. I love how Rock has brown hair in that picture where Light is modifying him (and other times he has black or even a dark-blue color) - minor details like that are interesting to me.


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