Friday, May 15, 2009

Mega Man "J.U.V.Is" Coming In Late June

A Jazwares representative informs me that the Mega Man Urban Vinyl line, now referred to as "J.U.VIs" ( Jazwares Urban VInyl), will hit store shelves in late June. The initial run will consist of Mega Man, Proto Man, and Elec Man figures, more to come if sales meet expectations.

Out of blatant curiosity, which classic series character would you like to see get the J.U.VI treatment next?


  1. Air Man J.U.V.I. would garner much love. :3

  2. @Cloudy : They seem to be going with the least-amount-of-effort approach here and making every figure use the same base-model with some paint slapped on. I wouldn't get my hopes up for any characters that don't fit that exact mold - that would actually require some work!

    If it's cutesy they're going for, I'm totally fine with that - I mean, my favorite MegaMan game is Powered Up - but I'd prefer to spend my money on figures that actually have some resemblance to the source material - there are just lazy.


  3. I'd personally like to see Jazwares release that line of figures that got canned. I wanted a good MegaMan Trigger that isn't a gashapon or a model kit, and Knight Man looked pretty nice as well. -- Flash

  4. I'm happy with Blues, but I wouldn't mind seeing a SkullMan or MetalMan

  5. BTW, what stores will be selling them? I never even saw a regular retail store carrying the original megaman figures, I didn't see them until they were availible at Big Lots (wholesale stores)

  6. She didn't specify, but I once heard Jazwares has an exclusive new deal with Toys R Us, so you might find them there. If not, there's always JW's online shop

  7. Since my favorite is in the initial first wave (Protoman), I guess Tenguman would be nice to see. Or anyone from Rockman 2 or 3.

    - The Shadow -

  8. Any RM that doesn't get enough love, like Tomahawk, or someone from MM9.

  9. Huh, they're still a Mighty Muggs ripoff.


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