GameDaily recently
compiled a list of "good games that actually suck." Making the cut is
Mega Man 9:
" Last year, Capcom delivered yet another Mega Man sequel to its long-standing franchise, but with a twist. Instead of revamping the blue bomber, the developers went "old school" and gave his adventure an 8-bit feel, complete with simplistic 2-D sprites, retro music, slowdown and nearly impossible to beat enemies. We literally cannot go three minutes of continuous play without dying (What's the fun in that?). Everyone else, including our reviewer, must have secret cheat codes, because despite this ridiculous artificial intelligence, Mega Man 9 has an 82 percent average on Gamerankings. "
So.... the game "sucks" because it's too hard? Really now...
Well honestly, the thing about NES-styled games is that they weren't meant to last. You were supposed to die quickly and if you didn't grow up getting used to that, then opinions differ.
ReplyDeleteNot Megaman 9's fault that the reviewer fails at video games. They need to find a new line of work if they're whining about this. I mean, it's not THAT hard.
ReplyDeleteIf this is serious...I smell massive amounts of BAAAAAAWW.
ReplyDeleteCome on; I'm not that good at Megaman, and I don't say the games suck because they're so hard!
This is why I hardly even read reviews anymore most of them are starting to become some what stupid.
ReplyDeleteThis one kinda reminds me of the PSP game Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero, It got bad review most of them claiming to be to hard to beat >.> Yet I've beat it in 4-5 hours with even proof of it.
A lot of games are getting bad ratings due to difficulty >.>, And I know Megaman 9 isn't even hard I've beaten it under 2 hours on the xbox controller.
Wow, these guys are morons. The game is so good that it's GREAT!
ReplyDeleteThese guys are idiots. Can't beat without cheatcodes? Sure, and you need a Gameshark Device to learn to speak, too? >_>
ReplyDeleteA game CAN be too hard. I'm not saying Megaman 9 is, but you guys nipping around about how stupid the reviewers are for not agreeing with you is just as bad. I certainly don't like to play games that I can't PLAY. I've already destroyed enough controllers as it is, I don't need another source of frustration. These people aren't necessarily bad gamers, they just think it's too hard. Everyone just loves Megaman 9 because it's Megaman, not because it's a good game. (Not saying it isn't a good game either, just saying some people don't judge it on its quality)
ReplyDeleteWell, Mega Man 9 is good, but, it is the REVIEWERS who sucks. Seriously. If they whine and complain just because they cannot beat the game, then they are complete idiot.
ReplyDeleteI sometimes read reviews. Some are good, and some just stink.
I'm probably one of the few who didn't find Mega Man 9 that hard. This is just another testament as to why GameDaily sucks.
ReplyDeleteThat whole list is a steaming pile of crap. Nobody should look at Game Daily as a serious gaming website, they never seem to know what they're talking about.
ReplyDeleteI don't read reviews... good or bad.. they are not meant to be trust at all!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI never seen so sad list in my life. Not just MM9, any entry they used there doesn't diserve this kind of lame treatment...
ReplyDeletejust goes to show how soft the gamers of today are. i mean, sure, if a game has bad camera controls, then that's gonna make it hard to see and time your jumps (looks at X7...) but that doesn't justify calling the game bad. just broken. for too long have people gotten used to the ease of mario and sonic. mega man players are where the true platformer artists are. it's easy to run and jump, but to run, jump, shoot and time your jump, all at the same time, that takes skill. anyone can blow a hole through a tank in an FPS game. not everyone can make a simple jump in a mega man game.
ReplyDeletelol, owned by 8-bit.
I gotta say, hardness is not always the player's fault, but most times it is.
ReplyDeleteI mean like Dungeons and Dragons: Eye of the Beholder, that game made the first level enemies endlessly hard and dying once was dying completely. Megaman 9 is not hard enough for it to suck unless the player sucks.
I still respect Megaman 1, but I think it's hard. (Haven't taken time to memorize.) It's really just about memorizing level patterns. If you're bad at it, you're likely impatient....
ReplyDeleteI haven't even PLAYED MM9 yet! ;___; What's wrong with me?
ReplyDeleteOh yea, I'm broke.
Mega Man is number 2, though the list doesn't really say it's in any particular order.
ReplyDeleteMost of the games there are them bitching about sucking, like Ghosts N Goblins, Mega Man 9, & Ninja Gaiden.
Shenmue is great & all, or so I would assume, if one liked RPGs & stuff a whole fuckton. I find it boring, but play it endlessly in the hopes of acquiring its taste.
Mario Party is all at once at all times terrible, stupid, fun, & fun. It's really all about the social atmosphere. Boring people make it a boring game. Now, drink some 40s and/or smoke some blunts, & all of the sudden it's an entire evening of awesome.
Bemani makes the best rhythm games ever, * my proof is Guitar Freaks. They do have shit balls musical tastes, though.
Never played LittleBigPlanet.
Also, Mega Man 9 hardly compares to Ninja Gaiden or Ghosts N Goblins in difficulty. Unlimited continues & E-Tanks take care of that. Oh, & a much more mobile protagonist.
ReplyDeleteI actually understand what they're saying, but I think MM9 is an exception to the rule. Yeah, you die a lot, but the game doesn't overdo it.
ReplyDeleteThen there's games like DMC where you get smacked down for not performing straight-line. I mean, how dare you actually want to use a different style than one certain one against certain bosses? Or want to actually have FUN beating up enemies? No sirree, can't have that.
May be they trying too find the secret in MM9 and they keep on dying and putting that review....:)
ReplyDeleteGoddamn it, that article really made me angry. They not only insult Megaman, but one of my favorite 8-bit games of all time, Ninja Gaiden (NES). Shenmue was a very addictive game, too. DDR, well, I've actually only played once. Same goes for Mario Party. Ghosts 'N Goblins was a fun game - insanely hard, but it was fun.
ReplyDeleteBut really, why compile a list of games that you hate mainly because of difficulty? Shenmue and Mario Party are really the only ones they had remotely legitimate complaints (Shenmue being boring, and Mario Party... Hurting their hands? Okay, nevermind the Mario Party one), but I still disagree with their choices on every game on the list I've played.
I'm looking for some sailors.
ReplyDeleteI was about to rant until i saw GameDaily. You know those guys aren't to be taken seriously. 90 percent of that site is made of shitty top ten lists.
ReplyDeleteI agree with RegalX7, and I feel that it's these folks that "suck." Part of the fun is its challenge, like most games, and if you could just run through it in 5 minutes, what would be the point? Honestly, it wasn't THAT hard, but you did need to get used to the difficulty of the game and adjust to it accordingly, but that's what makes games like this and the aforementioned "Ghosts 'N Goblins" fun!
ReplyDeleteI suck at Rockman 9, but I don't go saying the game sucks cause I can't seem to beat one boss. (it's true XD)
ReplyDeletePeople are spoiled these days, with all the HD fansub videos to download and then they complain about using average quality videos to encode and the watermarks/timestraps.
I agree with the reviewer, the game is to hard.
ReplyDeleteAnyone that doesnt think that mm9 is the hardest of the series is a douchebag
I agree with the reviewer, the game is to hard.
ReplyDeleteAnyone that doesnt think that mm9 is the hardest of the series is a douchebag