Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rockman Shampoo!

I've grown use to seeing a lot of wacky Rockman goods from Japan, but nothing could prepare me for this find: Rockman X3 shampoo. Shocking. Even more shocking is the price; a whopping 9,000 Yen starting price. That's around $93.75 USD!

According to the seller, the unopened bottle (made in 1995) hails from the back of a convenience store warehouse, gone unnoticed until recently. Expired? Probably....does shampoo expire?


  1. Um... Good question...

    I'd much not like to find out.

  2. And yet another random Rockman/Mega Man product out of a completely rip-offish price! YAY! Okay, seriously, what's with all the "These Rockman goods are so rare, I'm going to charge a freakin' fortune for 'em, even though they're the most obscure objects ever" deals? Sheesh! Anyway, another random and interesting find Protodude! So, who's going to be the crazy one to buy it? =^P

  3. Wow, what a weird find. XD 14 year-old shampoo.

    I wonder why X3 was the one to get the merchandising love...

  4. That's what Zero uses in his hair? 19XX shampoo?

  5. The sad thing is, ZERO doesn't have hair on his head, just a ponytail (the toys/models I have of him that let you see him helmet-less depict him with a metallic/mechanical head)...LOL.

  6. But in the manga he has hair. He's like this in the toys to fit the parts.

  7. If this is the case, I wonder - Do X and Bass also have hair? I don't think I've seen them without a helmet either (except in models)...


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