Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Roll Caskett Costume In Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop

Here's yet another reason for Mega Man fans to pick up Dead Rising Wii: a Roll Caskett costume.

Freakishly adorable.

The screenshot comes from the depths of 2Channel (NSFW) with no information regarding a source. To my knowledge, the costume hasn't been officially revealed, so we might be looking at a leak or a fake...a good one.

Hopefully, more details soon.


  1. Freakishly adorable? I'd say just freakish.

  2. I think its fake but maybe not. Still a turn off. oO

  3. I didn't know that Roll is a man. ^_^

  4. *Twitch* That's just disturbing XD

    Considering all the new costumes they added for CTYD, I'm not surprised if it's real.

  5. Man wearing girl's clothes?

    Oh, you gotta be kidding me...

    There should be more costumes...

  6. Its fake. They removed the photograph feature in the wii version, as such Frank has no camera in any of the clips.

  7. ^Regardless, Frank still wears the camera in the Wii version. Just one of the many reasons the port is trolled.

  8. But can you still play in the X costume?!

  9. As a MM fan, more the reason to pick it up in the future. No freaking way for $40 though.

  10. what has been seen...


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