Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wire Sponge's Cameo in ZXA

Look closely at the roots. When you see it...


  1. Awesome, I never noticed that.

  2. Wow, from murderous Maverick to wall fixture. How the mighty have fallen. Good eye.

  3. Meh, it's close, but not quite a banana.

  4. That's kinda creepy...I guess that's why we'd shit bricks.

  5. I think it's stretching it a bit... but it's still similar enough that my first reaction was "COOL!"

  6. nope he's right, take a look at some of his pics. also i'm not surprised there are cameos in zxa since there are cameos of the megaman zero 3 and zero 4 characters in zx. namely childre (mm/rmz3) and pegasolta (mm/rmz4). when you are in area F in the tall room go to the floor above the ground floor on the right and break the boxes to see childre. in area H from the entrance go right until in the background you see a merry-go-round. you'll see pegasolta as one of the horses on it

  7. Lol, I remember posting on that Cameo over at RPM in the ZX references thread before the crash. it was lulz then, and its still lulz now. XD


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