First and foremost the article does not outright say a series will be revived, however there is a possibility the contest pertains to a new installment from a inactive series based upon the fact that there are no specifics regarding what kind of character to design--it's all open ended. This could relate to something old or something entirely new. We don't know at this point.
That said, Coro Coro will officially unveil the contest details on February 13th, 2009. The judges for the contest will be Keiji Inafune himself, Capcom development staff, and editor of Coro Coro Comics. The winner will be announced in Coro Coro's May issue (coming in April).
First prize winners will have their character appear in a "new Rockman story" and receive oodles of Rockman goods. Second place winners will receive Rockman goods and a special Coro Coro item.
So pretty much, this contest could be anything. Let's wait and see!
News Credit: Vixy, Thomas, Anonymous, Uncle Bob
So I guess the Classic series doesn't count as "inactive" anymore? That's awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteLet's see X9, please. I'd like that more than anything. Legends 3 would be a close second. And as much as I'd love to see a new EXE game, the story did officially conclude and I fear shoehorning any more sequels into it after the end will make cheat the series any make new ones feel like EXE 4 -- completely and utterly trivial and needless after EXE 3 served as much an awesome climax. (Thankfully EXE 5 and 6 brought the series' relevance back.) I'd say the same thing about Zero 5 if it was an option; the story ended perfectly, and forcing it to continue after the end would probably result in something like... well, like X6.
So yeah. X9 would be my vote! I assume that Mega Man 10 is happening either way...
Judged by the 'Fune-king himself, eh? Awesome!
ReplyDeleteAh, I would so much love to have more EXE. I really miss it... And you wouldn't have to shoehorn anything really. All they did was say that Netto eventually married Meiru. O_o It could easily be continued. Maybe even an EXE revival with their son playable would be neat... But I'd demand that they re-translate his name. Patch is just awful. >_>
Sounds like they're making yet another rockman universe, though. :\
heh, it's funny. I clicked the PRC link in my bookmarks thinking "I wonder if we have any contest details yet..." And here's TWO posts about it! EXE please.
ReplyDeleteO_o There are two pictures of X.
ReplyDeleteAh, brings back memories of when Planet Megaman used to help members translate their entries for the EXE contests. I never had enough time to enter. What a shame.
ReplyDeleteI'd say EXE or X9. Well, you know that RnR=bomb, so perhaps a new EXE might pop up, but since it's officially finished, chances are very small, though not impossible. For X9, I don't know on Japan's side, but USA guys are requesting a X9 like crazy! :P Changes are bigger. About a new RnR, I dunno.
ReplyDeleteOn other side, perhaps a new series is on the way, but hardly... since the promotional image brings no new Rockman drawings or hints.
O_o There are two pictures of X.
ReplyDeleteThis could mean either X9 or Command Mission 2.
I don't mind another Ryuusei, but I don't really like EXE at all.
RnR is still good IMO. I'd say one more entry will serve it justice.
ReplyDeleteX9, RnR4, Legends 3, in order of preference. I don't care how much of a bomb RnR seems to be, I love the series and I would love to see it continue. But I would really like to see X9.
ReplyDeleteX9 with a Legends/DMC control scheme to add some speed and a dash function. I still think the worst parts of X7 were the 2d parts. Capcom can make a good X 3D platformer, I just know it.
ReplyDeleteWonder why they used two pictures of X? I'm hoping for Legends. Unlikely, seeing as designing bosses seems like it would be better for EXE.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they'll make a new series based on what ever types of bosses they get(IE if they get mostly navis, they'll make a new EXE game, or if they get mavericks, they might make an X game)
ReplyDeleteCommand Mission 2 is out of the question. Capcom haet RPGs
Legends is out of the question to, since it isn't conducive to a boss contest.
I'd hate to burst your bubbles, but, I'm certain the choices of artwork are just seat fillers.
ReplyDeleteYea, the pictures mean nothing.
ReplyDeleteThis is a big dubious bubble of uncertainty to me. I don't know what to make of it. I'd be happy if an EXE came from it, though.
No, you are all wrong. RockBoard 2: Rockin' with a Vengeance of a Board.
ReplyDeleteHaha! Rockboard2... You get a gold star for funniness.
ReplyDelete@Junkman SP
ReplyDeleteWell, what's more likely is that when the details of the contest are known, THAT will be the time when we know what exactly we are working with (regarding what series it is).
As it stands right now, no one knows anything, because the contest doesn't open until next month. No entries are being sent in yet, because no one knows what exactly they are supposed to be designing for yet. ^_^
I wouldn't exactly put DASH out of the running, either. Just because the last 2.5 games didn't have "boss design" contests, in no way means that the 3rd game couldn't. Who wouldn't want to see Rockman Trigger fight off some Reaverbots or other types of rivals, designed by themselves?
So, we got a while to wait. But for right now, I'm thinking that DASH and EXE are probably the most likely, seeing that those are the Rockman series that Japanese fans care about the most (and the Original Rockman doesn't seem to count for this particular contest).
"Capcom haet RPGs"
ReplyDeleteActually, Breath of Fire series would like to talk with you.
We want Legends! Legends! Legends!
Please go back to X....It really needs some love after having been abandoned for it's "handheld counterparts." I'd even be happy if they remade the Zero games into 3D console games. (They could steal the model from Onimusha Blade Warriors....)