Many are quite content with the idea of upping the style to something along the lines of MM8, while others are willing to give the 8bit look another go. Where do you fit in? Do you want to see some sort of graphical update or are you satisfied with keeping the 8bit style?
While we're at it, do you have a preferred method of distribution? In other words, would you mind MM10 being downloadable or distributed in disc format?
Keep in mind, Capcom might look at our feedback towards the production of MM10. ("I think we can go on to continue to make MM10, MM11, and so on. The main point is how and if we can continue to incorporate user feedback into the creation of the game."--Inafune)
If there's going to be a Megaman 10, I don't think it should be 8-bit. 8-bit Megaman 9 was incredible (I personally think it's the best Classic game so far, including 2), but if they made another 8-bit game Capcom would sort of be "milking" the whole old-school engine idea by just mindlessly making sequels. I wouldn't mind if 10 was 3D, kind of like Megaman Powered Up (with or without the giant heads). It wouldn't have that old-school feeling like 9 did, but if they did it right, it would probably be just as fun. Something along the lines of Rockman and Forte would be cool, too...
ReplyDeleteI personally wouldn't mind if they did the next classic Mega Man in 8-bit, though I think I would much rather see it evolve. A game that looks great and plays like the old 8-bit games is something I would want. Having a physical copy of a game/movie is what I like, only thing I did NOT like about MM9.
ReplyDeleteAn idea I would like is if they made a HD and a 8 bit version of Mega Man 10, that would be awesome.
As nostalgic as the 8-bit MegaMan 9 was, I would not wish it for any future games. Yes, it attracted fans who had long-since forgetting the series, but doing it a second time will not have the same effect.
ReplyDeleteI, as well as many others I'm sure, would much prefer anything BUT pixel-graphics. Ideally, an HD MegaMan 10 would be fantastic - even a Brawl-quality Wii game would be more than sufficient and would keep long-time fans from abandoning the series.
A lot of us are tired of seeing Capcom's other series get red-carpet treatment while MegaMan gets game-after-game of reused sprites.
On the topic of graphical options, my personal preference would be something akin to Wario Land : Shake It!. Having big, clean, and brightly coloured hand-drawn graphics would not only make the game actually look like effort was put into it, but it would flow naturally with the bubbly, child-like nature of the classic series. Can you imagine anything more perfect than a MegaMan 10 done with Powered-Up style characters and hand-drawn sprites on your Wii? I certainly can't.
As for method-of-distribution, I much-prefer actual disks. It might just be the collector in me, but having something physical to hold really makes the experience that much more...special. Not to mention how much I enjoy boxart and instruction booklets. ^_^ Not-to-mention the fact that being put into a disc allows for far-more content of higher quality than a simple download title would be...
- I don't mind about "old-school" thing, as far as Capcom plans a retro gaming. I would say MM10 with the exact same style of MM9 - retro gfx and NES-style music. Remember: MegaMan PoweredUp/Maverick Hunter "styles" = bomb. Plus, if you w4nn4 3d graphics, go back into your Halo3 or GearsOfWar2. Period.
ReplyDelete- However, I wouldn't like to see a cartoony MegaMan, like Castle Crashers or the brand new Super Street Fighter II Turbo.
Yeah disc would be much better, and a litle larger, in gamplay that is,maby more in the stages, imthinking of mm7 here but expand that a lot,on the graffics imnot that sure..Wario Land Shake It is a thought in the right diretions but im not sure that it should that bright coloring. yes the 8 bits and other mm games had lots of color but especially the 8bit games had some sort of dark metalli feel to it,maby thats just me but hope someone gets what i mean. maby more story, as I said mm7 was in the right direction, dont know why they iddent continued on it, the only faul that game had was that it was slower than the 8 bit games and megaman looked like he'd bet cut down a bit.
ReplyDeleteI'd happily buy a full $30 DS title rather than a $10 wii/ds ware title. Simply because I can't see myself paying for endless mode and difficulties(I will buy extra stage packs and what not)
ReplyDelete- More stages. Mega Man 9 had 12 levels, Mega Man 3 - 6 each had around 16 apiece.
- Construction Mode. Necessary because it adds to replay value.
- Updated artwork. Use ZX - level artwork instead of 8-bit.
Sort of Rockman & Forte, but with new sprites, and Blues also playable
ReplyDeleteAnd more than 8 robot masters, megaman deserves to be something you need more than half an hour to beat. Maybe 8 new robot masters, and, let's say, 8 come-backs, somethink like Tenguman and Astroman on R&F
So it'll be three-four playable characters, lot's of robot masters and weapons, and fluid 2D animations. Something like Power Battles, but with stages.
A return to MM8's/MMnB's graphical style would be appreciated--though using different sprites for Megaman (or else the haters will yell "LAZY", like how the entire base did with MM9 at first), and reserving the "acid trip" levels for bosses that actually require it (contrast the stages between the two games--MMnB looks more realistic).
ReplyDeletePhysical media sounds good, even if it'll inevitably cost more than MM9. There's something about owning a game (and should it be on the DS, being able to actually buy the damned thing, in my case) that's more gratifying than simply hitting "download".
Finally, I hope the story will at least be memorable, and not in the bad "oh dear Lord, my brain melted" way. (Bringing back Cossack would be good.)
Mega Man 9 was perfect. I want the exact same treatment for 10. Mega Man 1-6 and 9 > Mega Man 7 and 8 in nearly every way. Heck, Mega Man 7-fc > Mega Man 7 in nearly every way. Mega Man should be 32 pixels by 32 pixels period.
ReplyDeleteNo MegaMan 10 yet. MegaMan X9 with Super Nintendo graphics. Or more Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X sequels. But no MegaMan 10. It's too soon.
ReplyDeleteNot enough time to read all these comments... but I do want to say that I don't want another retro title. 9 was awesome, but one was enough. 10 should either be hand-drawn like Warioland Shake It, or 2.5D or 3D.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course, platform of preference is Wii.
I prefer a distributed in disc format then. :)
ReplyDeleteI dont mind any bits such as 8 bit, 16 bits, 32 bits, or Wii's technology graphicals. I don't care. Oh yeah, bring Bass/Forte back after continue storyline of Megaman 8 and Megaman & Bass. :)
ReplyDeleteNaw, doing another 8-bit classic or a 16-bit X would kind of put me off. I have better faith in Capcom than that.
ReplyDelete2.5D RM10, but not now. Later. And if we do get X9, I want it to be like X8's type of graphics. 16bit X would just NOT WORK.
Megaman 10? I'm still holding out for Powered Up 2. A man can dream,...
ReplyDeleteI don't want a Mega Man 10 or 11 right now D:
ReplyDeleteI want Inafune to get off his ass and make a Legends 3.
I really liked the maverick hunter X on the psp mainly because of the graphics but i dont think the graphics should get in the way of the gameplay so im not really sure either way i would still get it
ReplyDeleteThere's a way to make everyone happy, of course - to let the users choose. Just offer an option to switch between "retro" and "modern" mode, which would change the graphics and music but leave the gameplay exactly the same.
ReplyDeleteWhichever way it goes, though, please no voice acting unless it's actually worth hearing.
@Wandering Mind :
ReplyDeleteI realize I may be alone in this regard, but I'd actually prefer sub-par voice acting to no voice acting at all. Clearly the option to toggle it on/off would be a huge plus, but I'd rather not have another case where voice acting is just cut-out entirely. Besides, Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X had fantastic voice acting, so I don't think there's any need to worry.
I can see there being a problem with having the option to swap between retro and new graphics modes though - the spacing, timing, aiming and pretty much everything else in MegaMan is based on his sprite - swapping sprites/models would likely cause many spacing problems among others. I think a more manageable approach would be the two separate "modes" presented in Powered Up. Similar levels, but clearly modified to work properly for each graphical style.
I think the graphics of Megaman & Bass were awesome for SNES standards, I don't see why they couldn't fit that into a download. But personally, I like to hold a game in my hands and put it in my system. Even if I never read the manual, I like to have it on my shelf inside the case. I never feel like I really own a downloaded title, so for me, it takes away from the experience a little. Don't get me wrong, I was willing to take MM9 any way I could get it, but I would REALLY prefer an option of buying it in stores. Heck, why not take preorders on it through the online store (Capcom's) and only produce enough to fill those, then everyone else can download it. That'd make people happy all around because collector's would have a rare piece of memorabilia, but anyone can still play the game.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for the two modes. I think it would be great to have the option to stay in retro or play with 2.5D graphics (please no 3D). I realize this would probably require Capcom to make the game twice but this would definitely add to the value of the game.
ReplyDeleteLike most, I prefer the physical media method of distribution but I think offering the title as downloadable content will help save cost and will enable Capcom to reach more consumers. Maybe offer a special package that devout fans can buy to "own" the game, giving them their physical media too?
I think the success of this game will largely depend on the options we consumers have. But either way, if MM10 comes around... I'm sure I'll end up buying it.
But please... LEGENDS 3 FIRST!!!
That means there's gonna be a MEGAMANZERO 5,6,7 and etc. or its just a trilogy and why already 10 and 11 what about the BASS WILY Adventure... while searching for ZERO Parts and they redesign MEGAMAN 9 with cutscene animation and voice acting..... and one more thing the ZX-ZXA series they need to continue that right....?
ReplyDeleteThat means there's gonna be a MEGAMANZERO 5,6,7 and etc. or its just a trilogy and why already 10 and 11 what about the BASS WILY Adventure... while searching for ZERO Parts and they redesign MEGAMAN 9 with cutscene animation and voice acting..... and one more thing the ZX-ZXA series they need to continue that right....?
ReplyDeleteMega Man 10 should use graphics that almost like like Wario Land Wii, but with the controls, movement, and hit detection of the 8 bit Mega Man games. And make sure that Mega Man's sprite isn't so huge that it makes him to bulky to control.
ReplyDeleteTwo graphics modes? HAHA. That's funny. That would be two entirely different games. Different graphics would have different collision detection and gameplay. That will never happen. It's kind of preposterous.
ReplyDeleteAhh, MegaMan 9. I still haven't a chance to have played it yet, due to all the other good games on VC that I missed while I was connectionless. (Curse you, Final Fight and EWJ!)
ReplyDeleteFor the graphics style, I think it'd be good to make it 16-bit, like MM7/MM&B. Retro, but not too retro.
As for the method, disc all the way. Sure, you don't get the faulty game with a download, but theres somthing about seeing "MegaMan 10" in a case with instructions that makes the whole thing seem more classic.
And for continuations? I say, give us MM10 on WiiWare or disc, Rockman World 6 (Damn, theres no american differentiation for the GB titles...) for DSiWare; and maybe stand-alone Protoman and Roll titles, but at a cheeper price. (I.E, you could get "Protoman" and "Roll's Journey." for the same price as MM10.)
Megaman 10 and Megaman X9 would be nice to be like Klonoa Door to Phantomile and Klonoa 2. :D
ReplyDeleteI'll jump on the bandwagon here and say yes to 2.5D graphics and hard copies of the game. Gameplay-wise, I think I'd prefer it if Mega Man never gets his slide or charge shot back again. Leave these for playable Proto Man. Additionally, I'd love to see playable bosses like in MMPU again, as well as playable Roll, and maybe even Bass. Heck, I basically just want MMPU2.
ReplyDeleteWell, I want Megaman 10 or 11 to be a new 2.5D or 3D. I think being retro NES-style in Megaman 9 should have enough for one day. Now time for next installment of MM10 would be a good start with 2.5D or 3D, I'm sure hoping.
ReplyDeleteBut first... make Megaman Legends 3 before Megaman 10, Megaman X9 (I think this one should deserve to be in PS3), and Megaman X Command Mission 2!
Please, Keiji Inafune and Capcom staff? Pretty pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
I love 8-bit as much as the next guy. But for me, I rather not be stuck in the past.
ReplyDeleteThey've tested the waters, and Mega Man is still incredibly popular. Cut the downloadable crap. If Bionic Commando deserves an HD reimagining at full retail, then Mega Man deserves THOUSANDS OF THEM.
ReplyDeleteCapcom needs to make an HD game that has tons of bonus content and modes (think the DLC from MM9, but on the disc) while retaining the classic gameplay with a few tweaks. MHX was awesome. Do something like that, but for the classic series. You know, awesome graphics, extras, voice acting, and a fleshed-out story.
Critics will not stand for the 8-bit nostalgia factor for very long. They need to make the tenth Mega Man game the best one ever...and it deserves to be a retail game.
PS3 ?? Hahahah.. they say that megaman legends 3 will be for Wii only.. Not PS3. Thank you, creator for bring to Wii.. PS3 sucks!
ReplyDeleteActually, TvsC only brings to Wii.
ReplyDeleteLast time I read the interview with Keiji Inafune. He said that he might decided that Megaman Legend 3 is for PS3. But if he decided it's for both Wii and PS3, maybe his Capcom staff and he could do that.
Mega Man 9 was made to be as close as possible to Mega Man 2.
ReplyDeleteThey should make Mega Man 10 as close as possible to Mega Man 3. Because most of the people who don't like Mega Man 2 the best likes Mega Man 3.
If they bring legends 3 to the PS3 and not the wii (or skimp on a wii version in favor of the PS3), I'll be mad.
ReplyDelete2.5D would be neat, but you know, if they did it right, a 3D RM10 with graphics quality a la Mario Galaxy could be cool. But I know that will not happen because people would yell about it not being like RM, and Capcom wouldn't want to try again after X7's horrible "3D".
I think that MM 10 should be in the SNES graphical style. Why? Well, because if they release MM 10 in the NES format, then the puclic won't see it as revolutionary and instead think of it as a rehash of a popular format; There won't be anything spectacularly new about it. It was already done before with MM 9.
ReplyDeleteMM 7 was initially looked upon to be a breath of fresh air compared to the previous installments on the NES and releasing MM 10 in 16 bit will signal to the world that Capcom are willing to try new ways to portray Megaman in an age of HD visuals and over the top budgets.
(Also, it will kick start an interest in developing games in the 16 bit format just like what MM 9 did with 8 bit.)
Hi there, I admit was thinking this idea for quite sometime now for a Mega Man 10, and truly do hope they get it...
ReplyDeleteI would love to see in Mega Man 10, eight new robots of course. Then after beating them all. You think you're done, WRONG... You'll get some classic baddies back for that one. Such as Cuts Man from the 1st game. Wood Man from 2, etc, etc, etc. But, if I can do this game, I get ALL the robots back. But, the question is how too. In one of the sequals they have grave site with all the former robots. I think it was Mega Man 5 if I recall, why don't they do that in this one. They all came back to life some how becuase of Wily is bringing ALL his robots back to life, After you're done beating the robot such as Snake Man, you'll see a nice show how you destroyed (eg the ending of Mega Man 8) aaahhhh 30sec clip, then when it's over you'll Mega Man, jumping in the air, because YOU GOT AIR RIFLE for example... I just hope I'm making sense, and I truly, totally, think it'll work. It's the 10th Mega Man classic, YOU need something special like this, and hope deep down they'll do something like this... Well, sorry for my rambling, and if you have any questions, I'll gladly to share that with you...