According to COCOROG, the newest issue of Coro Coro Comics is hyping readers up for a brand new boss design contest. Coro Coro's boss design contests have been a standard practice since the EXE series. Are they implying the coming of a fourth Shooting Star, or something new entirely?
We'll know more details in next month's issue. For now, we can only speculate.
EDIT: Just some clarification: The image of SSR Rockman is NOT associated with the announcement of the contest. The image coincides another blurb talking about new characters debuting in the next month's manga.
Probably more SSR....hopefully not
ReplyDeleteSure sounds like more SSR to me. That wouldn't necessarily be bad, but... from what I've heard (while trying to avoid spoilers), SSR 3 is a fantastic climax that pretty much wraps up the series plot-wise. If that's true AND the reveal does turn out to be SSR 4, I worry that it'll turn out to be another EXE 4 -- that is, a blatantly-forced entry into a franchise that should really didn't need another entry after it ended in a great climax.
ReplyDeleteThen again, both EXE 5 and 6 were fantastic and made the plot feel relevant again, so maybe suffering through EXE 4 was a necessary evil...
There, I f***ing said it!
I pray it is not SSR fourth installment because if they did then they are making a stupid decision. Please make a new Rockman not more SSR series, man! Rockman Zero 5 or new Rockman storyline. :)
ReplyDeleteAnother SSR? I smiled =)
ReplyDeleteHOLD on a minute! I thought that Inafune stated that SSR would be over after the third game!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, this isn't SSR4 confirmation, so yeah.
ReplyDeleteSecond off, I don't ever remember hearing that SSR3 was the last.
Third off, I lol'd hard at "Please make a new Rockman not more SSR series, man! Rockman Zero 5 or new Rockman storyline." I agree, it counts as new if it's not a sequel to the most recent series.
That being said, it's probably something for whatever the big Nintendo Dream announcement is.
ReplyDelete*ahem* Anyway, it seems most likely to be another SSR. Why would they hold a boss design contest for a series whose boss type and design hasn't been introduced yet?
I honestly don't care for another new Rockman series. I'm sure they could make something cool, but we've got enough as it is. Continue any one of the existing series' and I'd be fine, even though I only really play EXE and a tiny bit of SSR. (Got X collection, don't play it much)
Stupid decision? It's by no means stupid if they make another one. Another SSR has just as much chance of making Capcom money as another X or ZX or Zero game.
ReplyDeleteBut since English seems to not be your first language, I'll assume you meant, "I pray it is not SSR fourth installment because I don't want one. Please make a new Rockman not more SSR series, man! Rockman Zero 5 or new Rockman storyline. :)"
If you don't like SSR, don't complain about it. Let the fans enjoy it without other so-called Rockman "fans" sullying the experience. If you want another entry in a different series, you can ask for it and talk about wanting it without dissing the other series.
ReplyDeleteTrue Rockman fans respect all of the series and their fans, even if they themselves don't like a particular series.
I have noticed a strange inconsistency. Some fans of older series rag on the newer series and hate their guts, but I've never seen an EXE or SSR fan hate on X or Classic. Why? Regardless of which ones I prefer, it gets on my nerves to hear people constantly whining about this series and that series. Hopefully, in the future, the EXE and SSR series will be regarded with respect like DASH, since at the time of its release it wasn't liked by the "hardcore" either.
ReplyDeleteOn topic, I don't think we need yet ANOTHER new Rockman series. The amount we have now it perfect, and the existing series should just be built upon. I think every avenue of gameplay and character type (robot, computer program, suit) has been explored.
Come on, people! What's wrong with you people ?
ReplyDeleteWho Cares About English!!! Why worry about it? You can't learn and perfect your (American Sign Language)ASL nor English grammar in a classroom, you really can't but good for the deaf world, BAD for accessibility. Think about it! Let it go! Jeez!
Anyway, I can't wait for a brand new Rockman/Megaman series on our Nintendo Wii or Nintendo DS. ;) :P
Erm, you know... he/she wasn't attacking your English. I think they were making a joke out of telling you to quit hating on SSR. It wasn't that big of a deal. :P
ReplyDeleteInteresting. Personally, I hope it's an enhanced DS port of the EXE cellphone games.
ReplyDeleteAlso: Congrats on 250,000 hits!
I'm a Rockman fan since 2 and I've played and apreciate all games and all series. They're all fun in their own way.
ReplyDeleteSomehow the anouncement of a boss design contest makes me doubt it's a new series, there was no contest when EXE first started, when SSR first started, when ZX first started, ...
I'd rather not have a new SSR game, 3 was great and ended with a climax. Also it was just recently released so I doubt that they'd announce a sequel so soon.
My hopes are on X9 in 16-bit style but that probably won't happen.
I have my finger crossed for X9. Inafune said that he'd like to do more sequels to the X series in the future, and given the time that has passed since X8, it is quite possible. With the success of Mega Man 9, maybe Capcom will treat us to more "old-school" style games. As cool as a 16 bit X9 would be, I'd prefer a high-res 2D side scroller, like with Wario Land: Shake It.
ReplyDelete:O I'd go for that EXE cell phone port-to-DS thing... But that will never happen. :P And they wouldn't hype it so much.
ReplyDeleteMEGA. MAN. X. 9.
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
Personally, im hoping for DASH 3.
ReplyDeleteDo we have an official Japanese correspondent here at PRC? We need someone who sifts through all the web pages and listens for all the rumors...
ReplyDeleteNot quite. I have a few readers fluent in the language capable of browsing through numerous Japanese blogs, forums, etc.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get a hold of them recently.
Hmm. You need someone who lives in Japan.... How would one go about finding someone like that? O_o
ReplyDeleteI have no clue :p
ReplyDeleteActually, I literally just made contact with one of my "Japanese blog/forum" spotters.
Prepare yourself for a HUGE rumor.