“SSJ4”, an individual claiming to have played the final version of Rockman 9, has requested I post up some tidbits on the blog. Be forewarned, I don't know how trusting this source is, but the tidbits sound awfully convincing.
SSJ4's quotes:
Downloadable Content
"-DLC is intact for all three versions (Wii,XBLA,PSN).
-Access to DLC is on the Boss Select screen, bottom right corner.
-Capcom plans to upload new content every so often. Possibility DLC won't be available until two to three weeks after the game releases. (speaking of the game's release, Wii users can look forward towards the 22nd of this month...although they've discussed delaying it till the following week due to a BIG Virtual Console title that might take the attention away from RM9)
-Noteworthy DLC:
+Buster Shot Mods: Buster can fire different kinds of pellets such as a three way spread buster and a homing shot. No weapon energy used.
+Shooting Star Rockman: Rockman from the Shooting Star series is a playable character. Once downloaded, you can equip him in the Costume menu. (Japan only) +Remixed Music: Download remixed BGMs, replaces 8-bit music.
+Title screens: Download new title screen images. One in particular, features Rock and friends "jumping for joy."
+Blues: Yes, Blues is playable. Has his own set of moves/attacks. (Actually, he kinda sucks. Controls to loosely.)
+Auto messages: At some point in the game, Auto converses with Rock. This download changes what he talks about. One message featured Auto giving Rock his horoscope .
-DLC may or may not be “free.” Capcom is considering options to make DLC redeemable. Wants to reward players for hard work. -Plans a years worth of DLC.
-RM9 was developed on Wii hardware, exclusive to Wii in Japan. XBLA Achievement are Capcom USA's doing. Not worth your time.
-RM9 was concieved as a brand new series, started out as a pet project at Inti.
-I've been told Capcom was fiddling around with two Rockman Wii titles prior to RM9's development, both have been shelved. Hiatus. (Scramble Battle?)
-RM9would not have existed without fan support. Future RM9 like titles will be fueled by fan support.
-I've played the XBLA and PSN versions, don't compare to Wii version controller wise. D-Pad on Xbox controller ruins the experience. PS3 D-pad is unresponsive. Wii remote controls are tight, perfect emulation of NES control.
-XBLA and PS3 versions felt like rushed ports of Wii version. Actually, they are merely ports. No touch ups."
Interesting, interesting.
I find the Septmember 22nd release to be highly convincing, especially since this happened hours ago at GoNintendo:
"KingBroly tells us that in the latest Nintendo Voice Chat Podcast, the gang is talking about their embargoed Mega Man 9 review. Apparently, they cannot post it up until September 22nd. Hmmm...that lines up with a Monday perfectly!"
I should mention, SSJ4 contacted me this past Friday, requesting to post this up on Tuesday (today). Why? I don't know, tipsters can be weird like that.
Regardless...don't get your hopes up! Keep an open mind and we'll see what happens.
Very interesting... we'll find out soon enough anyway.
ReplyDelete"+Shooting Star Rockman(Japan only)"
Ah? It's probably nothing impressive but it's a shame it's only for Japan.
"exclusive to Wii in Japan."
lol, I've been thinking exactly that for quite some time :P
"+Buster Shot Mods"
Charged shots, please?
"+Blues (Actually, he kinda sucks. Controls to loosely.)"
Damn it... that seemed like the only "good" downloadable content... oh well, whatever, it might all be fake news after all... >.>
Why is Mega Man from Star Force as a playable character only be playable for the Japanese version only? Star Force 1 and 2 did get a release in the US.
ReplyDeleteAnd if Capcom is going to add options for new ways to use the buster they might as well add in the buster shot and even the slide for the heck of it. I know they are trying to keep it in the Mega Man 1 and 2ish era but since those type of buster abilities like homing and 3 way buster shots never existed, they might as well do it.
Maybe we can see Blues's loose play control as a sign his crap reactor is getting the best of him?..
ReplyDeleteHopefully the fellow meant the "Luigi" kind of loose.
Yeah im not buying it. There were also some people that claimed they played the final version of smash brothers giving people false hope of what they said was in the game. I can make up this stuff up on the top of my head too.
ReplyDeleteIm sticking with official word.
I'm glad that it stinks on Xbox 360 and PS3. (Mwehehehe) An 8-bit Shooting Star Rockman can't look that cool... O_o I wish those two other titles weren't shelved! ;__;
ReplyDeleteThe guy sounds like a wii fanboy. I dont see how the achievements are not worth the time. It's something to give you a challenge. This rumor sounds like BS. I'll just have to wait and see.
ReplyDelete- I dunno about hoax. Anyway, I'm very tired of Rockman 9. They have spoiled the game A LOT and much before the release date which, as far as I know, is NOT confirmed by Capcom.
ReplyDelete- My opinion? RM9 will be a perfect RockmanZX Advent gameplay style.
Hmmmm... I wonder how much is true?
ReplyDeleteSupposing this is true, then the Blues controls will most likely be a personal preference. And as for the Shooting Star Rockman, it might come out for the US later, just not now.
Wii users can look forward towards the 22nd of this month...although they've discussed delaying it till the following week due to a BIG Virtual Console title that might take the attention away from RM9
ReplyDeleteThat is interesting, wonder what that VC title may be? Earthbound? Chrono Trigger?
+Remixed Music: Download remixed BGMs, replaces 8-bit music.
Oh yeah! Wonder if these will be from the Rockman 9 Arranged album later this month?
+Blues: Yes, Blues is playable. Has his own set of moves/attacks. (Actually, he kinda sucks. Controls to loosely.)
That would be sad to hear, although I agree with Kaldeon. Probably just personal preferences.
-DLC may or may not be “free.” Capcom is considering options to make DLC redeemable. Wants to reward players for hard work.
I sure hope its free, by free I mean without real money, if they want to do some point or accomplishment system that is fine by me.
-RM9 was developed on Wii hardware, exclusive to Wii in Japan. XBLA Achievement are Capcom USA's doing. Not worth your time.
Hmmm, so RM9 WAS supposed to be Wii exclusive. That is worth noting, maybe Sony and Microsoft blackmailed Capcom just like Sony did previously with RM8. :D
-RM9would not have existed without fan support. Future RM9 like titles will be fueled by fan support.
Trust me, If this game is as good as I really think it is going to be, I will FIGHT for RM10! I will also fight to get my creation Radial Man in 10 as well... >_>
Anyhoo, this is all fine and dandy if it is even true to begin with. We shall see...
BTW, Capcom has Rockman 9 listed as being released this week in Japan on the 12th!? Was there something I was not informed about?
I'm getting tired of RM9 too. I mean, sure, it's awesome. But it gets WAY too much coverage, and I'm tired of everyone saying, "It's a new megaman! not a cardchipnavibattlesimulatorrpg crap." EXE is not crap. >:(
ReplyDeleteI really hope some of this stuff isn't true. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just Wii exclusive in Japan and lazily ported to the PS3 and the XBox 360, though.
ReplyDeleteThe writer of the info also sounds like a Nintendo fanboy. Lovely.
So we get all this fancy stuff... but NO slide or charge shot? Does this make ANY sense? And they pull the "only Japan gets this specific DLC even though it could easily be applied to other regions" crap?
No. Just... no. No thanks, Capcom. If this is where the Mega Man series is going, then screw it. I have to agree that MM9 is getting way too much coverage, too.
For final verison of MM9... I want Charged shot MEGA BUSTERRRRRRRRRRR!
Oh, one more thing!
ReplyDeleteI want SLIDE so there will be more challenge!
Charge Shot and Slide should have in MM9!
I wonder if Charge Shot and Slide will be DLC... it could happen.
ReplyDeleteI'm ok with all the stuff that might "make it into a less classic game", but i still hope that there is a little bit of nostalogia. I hope for alternate characters/coustumes in the Us/ Canada version.
ReplyDeleteThat would be very interesting if this turns out to all be true. I don't get why people bother trying to create and spread fake rumors, so let's hope this all isn't just some kind of joke...
ReplyDeleteI planned on getting the game for the Wii before even hearing what he said, but I'm curious to hear what system you guys will be getting it for. If you don't have a PS3 or 360 to choose from, you should take a look at this Stacker 2 contest going on where you can win the system of your choice. There are less than 300 entrants as of now, so check out the details here: http://www.brickfish.com/Entertainment/Stacker2?tab=overview
Protodude, I hope you don't mind me commenting on your post. I work with 6 Hour Power so if any of you have any questions about the contest or the 6HP energy shot just let me know. Shoot me an e-mail if you enter too, and I'll vote for your designs. Good luck, fellow Rockman fans.
Franklin Keane
ReplyDeleteNot a problem my man.
This sounds completely full of it. Why was the guy able to play the game on all three consoles? Even pros usually don't have that privilege.
ReplyDeleteWhy would there even be Japan-only DLC for this game when they're pitching it to the West so hard? How would the guy who supposedly played a game that, according to his story, isn't going to implement DLC for three more weeks know all this? Also, the downloadable buster shots (spread gun? homing? seriously?) would likely break a Megaman game.
This reads like a deluded fan trying to get people to buy the Wii version. I use "deluded" because anybody comparing the Wii d-pad to the NES one has obviously completely lost it. There's a reason there's a classic controller.
PS: I'm not much of an achievement guy, but it is pretty funny that the achievements are written off not because of their content, but because the writer assumes they were written by people who are not Japanese. Go glorious Nippon!
For the ppl who have yet to get the game for their ps3 because of how this review claims that the ps3 and 360 version are lazy ports, you guys have been fooled!
ReplyDeletel've downloaded the ps3 ver and I can assure you that most of the crap in this review is fake.
The game has been out for the ps3 for about a week and not suprisingly, the claims about the achivements and controls in this review are fake.
If the lying wii fanboy has truely tested ALL three games, he would have known that the wii and the ps3 version also have achivements, but are called challenges even though cannot be displayed to other gamers like the 360 version.
As for it being lazy ports, that is a bit hard to believe even before the ps3 ver came out. I mean, how can a company do a lazy port of a title that has 8 bit graphics with simple control schemes? That is like believing that there is a lazy port of Pacman for the wii or ps2. Also, Capcaom was known to make games with the best controls and since this is an nes like game, the control scheme for the ps3 is definately not unresponsive LOL
As for protoman, there are videos of the him in action and he plays like megaman but with a shield, charge blast and slide, so I doubt the controls are loose.
As for Sub, the dlc has been released on several sites, but there are no mention of the type of DLC the reviewer claims to be in the game. Instead, the dlc is more about different difficulties and a special level: