You know what irks me the most? Fans who actually believe in the infamous “cataclysm theory.”
Yes, these gullible fans will believe anything that comes from
“Bob & George."
(Good strips by the by)
For the uniformed, the cataclysm theory is a popular and bogus theory that Zero, upon being fully completed by Wily, is sent off to Dr. Light's lab to mercilessly kill off the classic series cast.
Bogus, right? Not to some fans. These fans must be reminded that such a horrid and inhuman event could never have taken place for one crucial reason:
It's a kids franchise.
As hard as it might be to believe, the classic series has always been aimed at a young audience, made up of elementary school children from ages six to twelve. It's out of the series' nature to depict such events, let alone imply it.
Many will argue that the Original Series does have it's “dark” moments, such as Rock's declaration of wanting to kill Wily at the final moments of MM7, but what many don't know is that that scene's dialog was altered for the sake of localization. In the Japanese version, Rockman is silent as he watches Wily beg for help.
To further prove the true nature of the Original Series, I direct you to Inafune's true vision of what the franchise was suppose to look like:
" Contrary to popular belief, Inafune had always envisioned Rock's world to be cute and chibi, but due to the Famicom's (NES) graphical limitations, he could not express this visual style until the PSP game, “Rockman Rockman” "
So, if Zero never did kill the Original Series' cast off, then what happened to them?
Simple: Nothing!
The episodic nature of the Original series leaves the story open ended. Like various episodic television shows and comics, a “true” ending is never planned; rather, the story is played out until they have used up all of the creative resources.
Also, if a massacre did happen to take place, then why hasn't Capcom said anything? Constantly, we are fed source book after source book, and yet we have never seen any official evidence to suggest that such an event took place.
It's not because Capcom is hiding some horrible truth from us, but because there is simply nothing to share.
Finally, here is the end all fact: Educated fans do know that Zero was not built with the prime directive to destroy Rockman or his family, but built for the sole purpose of defeating Light's final creation, X.
The "
Rockman X Command Mission Perfect Guide" states this fact with flying colors.
But, now you say there is no in game proof to coincide this statement. Yes there is. I direct you towards
X5, specifically the fan favorite moment in which Zero returns to his "original state." (AKA, "Maverick Zero")
It is here that Zero returns to his original programming, his
reason for existance: Kill X.
And that's the nail in the coffin.
So long cataclysm theory, may you rest in peace with the other nonsensical theories (Blues is Zero, Axl is Forte, and IceMan isn't actually a robot, but an Eskimo who thinks he is a robot)