Friday, March 2, 2018

Nintendo Switch Rockman Classics Collection 1+2 Limited Edition Announced

Capcom have announced an E-Capcom exclusive limited edition of Rockman Classics Collection 1+2 for Nintendo Switch. The 6,469 yen package includes the game (Classics Collection 1 on cartridge; CC2 digital download), 15 double sided A4-sized coloring pages (also sold separately here), a case to store the coloring pages, and one of two randomly selected coasters. It's, uh, an interesting assortment of things, to say the least.

E-Capcom goods only ship within Japan, so if you have the ability to do so, you can pre-order the limited edition here. For everyone else, I suggest you can an eye on Nin-Nin Game. They tend to stock up on these sort of E-Capcom exclusive goods and ship to the United States.

Source: E-Capcom


  1. What a crappy limited edition, is this really what they're offering on the 30th anniversary? Good grief Capcom, and you wonder why there's such ill will

  2. this is ass. disjointed ass.

    1. the ass is digital download only

  3. They should at least include Dr. Light's notes again to make it (slightly) worth it.

  4. This is not the main event of the 30th Anniversary.

  5. Garbage. It would have been a day 1 purchase for me if both collections were on the cartridge but with the second being a digital download this is an easy pass.

    1. How or why is it an easy pass? There’s still something physical. I myself stick to physical unless it’s impossible like it’s a digital only game, but the collection still includes a physical cart. Hell, I’d still buy it if it was just MegaMan 1 on Cart & had a code for the other 9.

      Also no one was upset back when PS3 had MvC2 sold physically & the case housed not a game disk, but had a voucher for the game. That physical release sold pretty solid too.

  6. Go ahead and complaint to CAPCOM OF USA too. Disappointment!

  7. Would've been nice to get another Amiibo. Like a Silver Mega Man or even Rush Colors.

    1. More MegaMan amiibo would be sweet, but I’m all set with just color variants. Would be cool to see robot masters for classic & mavericks for X.

  8. "It's, uh, interesting assortment of things to say the least."
    Wow, even Protodude thinks it's crap.

  9. All hope is lost for a physical Switch version of MMLC2. I guess I will just get the PS4 version down the line...

    And yes, this is a sorry excuse of a "Limited Edition."

  10. Well, to however gets those, please scan the pages before coloring them!

  11. I must be the only one who thinks the coloring pages are cool, you rarely get artwork in that condition. Better than the thermo bottle from RCC2.

  12. Capcom: "One step forward, five steps back."

  13. Man, this is crap.Even crappier than Legacy Collection 2 not being on the cartridge.

  14. Complaint to Capcom instead here. It will give them attention they deserve. I hate digital. A cartridge rocks. Disappointment, indeed.


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